Model Cycles House Tutorial

34 posts were split to a new topic: ‘Discussion’ around the creator and not the topic

This topic be like :black_flag: :black_flag: :black_flag: :black_flag: … Etc.

Take 2. : Keep it topic focussed, less of the creator bashing which derailed the whole thread

A post was merged into an existing topic: ‘Discussion’ around the creator and not the topic

Man this forum is something else…

This is probably the most informative and welcoming public forum I’ve ever encountered, and I first had an electronic exchange with a far-removed stranger about forty years ago, and too many to count in the intervening period. If that is in part due to aggressive moderation, I think it’s the right tradeoff.

Sorry if this is off-topic; I haven’t watched the tutorial in question.


The lad really does have trouble making a clap, doesn’t he.

Fast (but not too fast) random LFO on tone or chord machine, pitched to taste. Couldn’t be simpler really, yet his choice of a stupidly fast sawtooth on a metal machine just sounds bad. Yep, a clap machine would be cool, but you can make decent claps with the Cycles, if you’re willing to put in a little (and I mean little) bit of effort.

It’s hard to take a tutorial video that seriously when the person delivering it hasn’t figured out making claps yet.

Other than that it’s amazing, best video ever.


Damn, I never managed to get a decent clap out of the Cycles. Thanks for the tip, @Fin25 :yum:

Can’t remember exactly, but a random LFO set to the pitch of a chord machine, speed at x512 (I think, maybe faster) and a depth of about 20. Little bit of delay and a chunk of reverb, quite short tail and bosh, clap.


I’ve just tried as I’m home. I get better result with Tone and LFO on the ratios actually, but thank you for opening the way :thup:


Oh yeah, that’ll definitely work.


:joy: :trophy:

What’s so funny?

Just being positive.

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Nothing I’m just crying with joy at all the positivity!

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So nice.

luckily you didn’t make a tutorial :upside_down_face:

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I actually did, once.
But I do this in French so that no one but @sezare56 can criticize me :tongue:


with clap sound design? :slightly_smiling_face:

I fortunately avoided any sensitive subject.