Model:Cycles Feature Requests Thread

Isn’t length basically a way to turn the hold time up?

Maybe the sequence would be: Hold down PATTERN, then hold down one track while tapping 2nd, 3rd, (to select the tracks to keep playing) and finally tap trig for the pattern you want.

Or perhaps hold FUNC and then hold PATTERN, then press one or more tracks to select tracks to keep playing, then finally press one trig for the new pattern .

FUNC+PATTERN is the reload pattern shortcut, and the track pads are used to select bank when in pattern select mode.

I agree it’d be a great feature, but I think a simpler way would be to have a “classic” mode like on the Machinedrum, where the kit doesn’t change with the pattern (I think that’s how it worked?). “Kits” could then be selected using some other shortcut.

That’s why I said HOLD pattern … you could (perhaps) do FUNC+PATTERN on release does a reload, with FUNC+PATTERN held meaning the new functionality … call it, say, ‘track carry over’ mode ?

But yeah, I accept the criticism, though I’m fairly sure that they could find a way if they accepted the idea.

Again I noted that myself but didn’t explain … if you were clearly in ‘track carry over’ mode that would distinguish between track buttons used as banks and track buttons used for track carry over … and additionally, you’d only be able to carry over tracks within the same bank.

Make the trigless locks easier to distinguish from regular trigs on the LEDs. Here is a part from the manual that describes trig LEDs:

I agree, the trigs are really not legible… could you make use of different leds brightness instead of blinking ? these blinking lights add so much distraction and cognitive load to an otherwise very sober machine…

Nice to have : be able to turn off tempo led which also distracting… and/or have it pulsating through brightness instead of on/off blinking


A post was merged into an existing topic: The Elektron documentation thread

Global pad sensitivity/curve would be Much appreciated.
What I am doing now, is I modified my M:Cycles with duct tape under the pads, to make them more sensitive.

Also, when I start new tracks, I use a blank pattern, that has all the senativity, and other adjustments I want, as a template, I have it stored at Pattern A-1, and copy and paste it to the rest of the pattern locations I want to work with.
Easy and fast, using the Copy Pattern/Past to multiple trigs, shortcut, on page 33 of the manual.

  1. In grid recording mode, if you could toggle a button, to allow you to play your trig notes, that have already had pitches set, like you can in chromatic mode.
    Add to that, when you are selecting a note with the DATA knob, make the note sounds/plays while you are turning the knob, so you can hear what note you are placing at that trig.
    In a 4 bar 64 step pattern, it takes forever to wait for the trig to fire, just so you can hear what pitch, you are trying to place there.

  2. Allow multiple 1 bar patterns to be consolidated to one 4 bar pattern location.
    Would make #1) above easier.
    Or better yet, allow multiple patterns (of any length), to be consolidated to a single pattern location.


If a lpf per track is not going 2 be a thing…

What about a plockable master filter pre reverb and delay…with a smattering of wet/dry bit reduction and chorus…

the 2 main things id love to see in the cycles would be scales for the keybed and some sort of EQ for each track, id even jus take a HPF over a LPF given the choice i find it much easier to reduce the high end of a sound vs reducing the low end of a sound when i need to.

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One thing that I hoped to find from the get go is the possibility to route the pad velocity to the retrigger speed.

Very disappointed when I found out that wasn’t the case.

Please let play my variable speed glitch on with the pads!


Has it really been a year since the last firmware?

I’ve really been hoping for shift+decay for attack. Also a new machine. There were several major upgrades for the analogs, but maybe that’s too much to ask for a $300 box.

I will say it seems pretty stable as long as I’m not using audio over usb.

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I would just be happy with a battery handle.



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Same, would likely be playing it now if it had the battery handle :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sure this is pointed to in many ways
At least! Having my decimals remaining untouched when changing parameters over cc…
Really would love to glide swell/morph/sweep more than one parameter at a time; for that at least having them keep resolutions fine numbers untouched, or toggleable, just would give some lil umppf in many cases

If this out-of-range mappings was possible, zooming in and out should be as well
, and so maybe its possible to adresss finer resolutions of parameters
And so🤤
Maybe im makin this up, kinda the electribe esx did this weird thing interactively betwen start points resolution and pitch/rate of the samples in it+the lfo section, all them being a interactive weird entity

New machines would be great, even just 1.
The freaking power bar… where’s that thing at!?

“Overbridge Lite”. I think if Elektron would have made 6 track out through USB the Cycles would be one of the best pieces of gear available today. I feel like they leaned into the “more affordable digitone little sibling” approach too much and stripped it down too far. Being locked into a single stereo signal out is just too limiting when it comes to making full songs with it which happens to be my favorite thing to do with it. I’m working on a 100% M:C album right now and the bounce process is laborious, tedious and annoying.

I don’t really care about the delay into reverb.
I don’t really care about the limited LFO’s although destination would be handy because I barely ever use the Kick’s LFO… why not repurpose it?

At the end of the day, the biggest issue is the single stereo out.

One last thing though, it’s really hard to figure out what patch you have loaded on an individual trig or track. Pressing and holding the preset button should tell you the patch name and machine so you can reverse engineer things. Even a little dot next to the patch on the track would go a long way.


I share your frustration, but I think I can understand why it’s done this way. Say you have a kick preset called ‘BD SIKK’ you load that into your track 1 and in your ideal world you can see that track has ‘BD SIKK’ on it. Now adjust the decay ever so slightly (say from 23 -> 24) . Should the track still stay ‘BD SIKK’ ? It isn’t really. It’s very close though. So when you save the track sound as a preset, should it default to a name of ‘BD SIKK’ ? What if that was to overwite the original ‘BD SIKK’ ? Or maybe that’s a thing that should never be allowed because it’s actually a different preset.

Now think about if you changed the Decay from 23->28. Does that change any of your answers. How about 23->120 ?

Nothing insurmountable in programming terms but an awful lot of user interface decisions to figure out. Potentially a can of worms. I think I may understand why they chose to avoid doing this.

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