MnM - microtiming?

Just got my second Elektron product, the Monomachine. I also have an A4. Really liking the MnM, so is there a way to do microtiming on it like the A4? Please don’t say it’s impossible :slight_smile:

Short of sequencing it from the Octatrack, it is impossible, sorry.

However, if the notes aren’t falling where you’d like them, play with the Arp and the “sequencer within a sequencer”. With a bit of practice, you can usually figure out how to compensate.

In addition to the arp, try setting a different scale multiplier, both of which would give you increased note resolution.

You can also get a lot of mileage out of dialing a high swing setting and then setting the individual tracks’ swing trigs.

Ok, those solutions sound interesting. I’m still in the early part of the manual. What is ‘sequencer in sequencer’, is this the arp feature?

From Tarekith’s “Tips and Tricks”:

the arp operates sorta like a mini seqencer in a seqencer.

it acts uniquely by allowing you to control how it trigs certain aspects of your synth. so you can have an arp thats only affecting your LFO or ENV and not actually triggering the amp every time. useful if you set it fast, turn off all the first hits and maybe leave just the second last on. plock it for a particular hit and it can sound like its micro timed (shifted off scale)

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