Mixers with DIN MIDI

I’m interested in finding a mixer with MIDI in/thru over DIN. Mainly for midi scene/program change capability.

I’m aware of the Presonus 16/0/2 but I’d like just a few more ins and outs, as well as instrument inputs.

The A&H Qu series take ‘DAW MIDI’ so my understanding is that a computer is required to host the midi. I’d be happy to hear if that’s not the case.

Are there other mixers that fit the bill?

A&H qu-pac does DIN midi!

Really?? I couldn’t see a port on the back panel and assumed it couldn’t be…


Is it on the other qu’s as well?

I have a Presonus 16.0.2 and can confirm it is a fantastic mixer.

Why not just get a 24 channel version if you need more I/O?

I think the 16/0/2 is the only one with midi.

Oh yes, right you are, I never noticed that. What a strange thing to omit from the bigger mixers.

I know you can link the presonus mixers together, but 2 16 channels mixers might be a bit overkill. Maybe just break your needs into two categories, a mixer and a midi device.

Yes it is a weird omission…

Well in fact I only really need a mixer, but a midi-scene-changing mixer would be cooler. haha