I know that there are few similar topic, but this is a bit different so I thought to create another topic…
I am almost buying an Apollo Uad Quad which is 16 I/O
I know that it has top class plugin etc… but that it’s not the main purpose because if I want to edit my tracks in another room with the UAD plugin the MAC has to stay connected to the audio interface apparently…
The main purpose was to use it as a mixer for recording 16 tracks together as it has great converters and reduced dimension plus 16 I/O…
Then I was thinking to buy a mixer instead that is more practicable …
Now the question is…
If I buy a mixer which has 16 I/O like one of the Mackies that enable you to record in the meantime is the recording quality same as an UAD or there is A LOT of difference?
If on the market there are better mixer with recording option enabled for each channel without needing an audio interface I will appreciate your suggestions …
UA Apollo interface to be primarily used as a mixer would be overkill and a waste of money that you could put towards other purchases.
UA has great conversion but its advantage is obviously the the DSP and quality of plugins.
A unit that people overlook but has amazing conversion and a built in mixer/standalone operation is the Steinberg MR816X or CSX (Effects built in)
I would recommend that :
MR816X (firewire 400 ports) Approximately $500 on ebay
Apollo Twin Duo (can be had for under $800 if you shop around)
great micpres and micpre/compressor emulations. So compression immediately following the micpre, great channel strip.
UAD quality plugins and
ADAT optical in (so any audio interface/or micpre like audient ASP008 for more channels)
High quality headphone amp /guitar input
MR816 /Apollo Twin Total $1200-1300.00 usd
Steinberg UR824 $800
24in 24 out on board DSP reverb for recording with or without effects
2 banks of ADAT$
8 Analog in 8 Analog out
Word Clock
2 Headphone jacks
And the Stienberg units support standalone mode (mixer functionality
I’ve bought a second hand Presonus Studiolive 16.4.2 and its awesome really .
Lots of aux , sub channel etc.
I needed 16 io and i wanted a mixer for routing my Elektron gears , FX etc.
Costed me 1000$ can.
Wow, thanks sovietpop! I’ll have to look more into that.
I’ve been looking at a similar setup, but was eyeing the Mackie Onyx 1640i, which from initial glance at the photos, has a simlar I/O section to the 16.4.2.
I’d like a mixer (and not an audio interface), so I can both record, but also use a tactile mixer’s aux routing to push whatever sound I want into the Octatrack, so I can sample live, but still have the other machines running on their own. Along with something like the Cymatic Audio LR16 plugged into the D-sub connectors, you could record all your tracks individually and then mix later if you wish.
I had tried buying a mixer with a usb audio interface in it thinking it would be the best of both worlds. The Yamaha MG10XU. It was absolutely terrible as a audio interface. It only had a left and right channel that would show up in the DAW even though it was a multi channel mixer, everything was summed before USB. I knew this before buying and wasn’t too concerned but it had terrible ASIO performance. Dropouts and crackles at anything but the highest buffer settings.
It was too bad because I really liked the sound of the Yamaha D-Pre’s.
I ended up returning it for the Steinberg UR44, which also has the Yamaha D-Pres but some of the fastest ASIO performance around and all the inputs are available to the DAW. It also has some built in DSP FX and from what I can hear the AD/DA converters are great. I’m very happy with it and they have a higher end version called the UR824 with more inputs.
I was looking at this Cymatic AUDIO… Could you tell me something about the rec. quality… My main purpose is to record and export it into a DAW for editing, I found 1 second hand for only 400 euro…
That’s a great price but I am wondering about the recording quality, for 400 euro I don’t think is going to be great…
I would rather use a mixer for a couple of reasons. First of all I would rather spend the same amount of money on an interface with just a couple of inputs. That way you will know you are getting best quality ad/da conversion possible. You can buy some pretty good converters for that money. Secondly I would prefer to do some of summing through an analog mixer. And for individual tracking into the DAW, the mixer providing its own influence in regards to colouring and EQ etc.
A fan of the UR44 then!?! I’m tempted with it. Im still using my X-Station interface but I could really do with another pair of ins/outs especially with how I plan to use the OT. Was actually tempted with the UR44 for PC and hardware duties with its smaller brother the UR22 as a dedicated iPad interface. They are pretty cheap.
My Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 is incredibly versatile as both an audio interface and can operate in standalone mode without computer as a mixer as well. Lots of ins/outs, ADAT, clock sync, USB, MIDI, individual level controls on front, dual headphone, and the Scarlett Mix Control allows for multitude of possibilities. Around $500. USD. Very good converters.
With that said, I too use a few rack mixers as summing mixers because I do not use vst anything–all hardware keyboard synth set-up as well as racked FX units so I can control my FX send/receive on various synths before going into interface and then Reaper.
Focusrite also just came out with a brother of it in the Sapphire Firewire/Lightening nexus as well.