Miserable git's general and non-specific (but very inclusive) whingeing thread - If you've got thoughts about stuff, I'm your guy


Kill them with kindness is what I always say!!

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Then sodomise their corpses.

Is what I say…


Ha!! Exactly where I was going with that!


I feel the same way anytime I see English news, thank fuck I dont live there anymore. The media always paints the shittiest picture. Its what they do.

Despite the referendum result, the reality is, all the people I know voted yes, and only one of my clients voted no (of course everyone is talking about it)

About 20 years ago when i lived in Hastings UK, the big topic was asylum seekers, media was pumping out horror stories and the people were all pitch forks and burn the witch. And Asylum seekers made up less than 1% of the population… stealing our jobs? How exactly?

Anyway, back over to @Fin25 and his necrophelia special


Hasn’t changed.

Won’t change.


The last few posts here are reminding me that I’m not going to enjoy visiting my family for the holidays. They’re all far-right American evangelicals (and I mean that in every sense), and would likely have joined that ridiculous group in the library or voted no on the referendum in Australia. They speak openly of wanting people like me exiled/ imprisoned/ worse. It’s great.

On-topic: I’m so tired of seeing everyone’s hot takes and incessant whining about [insert new thing] across the internet. It’s so exhausting. Video games, music, television, so much of the “discourse” is just people shitting on things.


Yeah, my old dears (and most of my extended family) are a pretty old school racist bunch, to the extent that I was pretty racist as a kid myself until I actually met some black people.

It’s funny because it made me realise at a pretty young age that my parents (and most of the people around me) were full of shit. Pretty sad for them though, having to bring up a kid who thinks they’re clowns.

I remember once, when I was about 5 or 6, I got this awesome pet monster toy for Christmas. My mum asked me what I was going to call it, and I said “Junior”. Her response was “*you can’t call it that, that’s a *****'s name”. Should have called it fucking Nelson Mandela.

But that’s the thing I’ve noticed about the far right mindset, it just assumes that all the other white people agree with it and seems genuinely baffled by the idea that, I dunno, helping those less fortunate might be a bigger priority than preserving racial purity or whatever nonsense white boy apocalypse they’re shitting themselves about this week.


Seriously. It’s kind of fun watching their brains break as they run out of “reasonable” defenses for their ideas in a conversation though.


I think this mentality of assuming that they are in the majority with their beliefs is a big factor in what has led to the proliferation of conspiracy theories in the states, it can’t possibly that people disagree with them, it’s a mass mind control conspiracy being executed by shape shifting deep state lizard people who smell like sulfur or whatever. That makes more sense than people genuinely disagreeing with them.


Speaking entirely in my capacity as one of Britain’s most disagreeable bastards, not coping with being disagreed with is becoming very much a universal conceit these days.

Not to diminish your spot on point about conspiracy nuts, of course. The far right are still the standard bearers for this sort of shit.


It was bliss!!!

Didn’t have the drunk racist brother in law in my ear bashing anyone different than him! Gross!


This could be us Elektron, but you playin.



Why is there soup in that mug instead of tea?
That slot in the side is clearly for biscuits.

Who has soup and biscuits? Weirdos.

(Cookies for all you american people)

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Looks like saltines to me! Perfect soup companion!

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What the hell are saltines?

The best soup crackers ever!! Minus oyster of course!


See this is why americans live to be 100, we’ve reworked the biscuit into a health food.


technically the answer is oyster.

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Now I want KFC, damn it!


priority mail me any part of the beverage bucket you can’t finish, I need to strip the paint off of a hunting rifle.