Miserable Git VII - The Final Chapter - F#@k you and your firmware updates

So when will the book with all the chapters be out?

I’ll buy it in a heart beat


“Whatcha reading for?”


Sounds like what you really desire are instruments with all analog components much like the synths of yester-year.

Let me introduce you to a little company called Behringer.


100% Agree. Free yourself and join the Neglected Models club. Because with those you can be sure NO Updates will come ever. NEVER. Perhaps a downgrade…


Sherman is calling.

A Tempest might go well with the Sherman, now that you mention it.


I saw what that dude did to Atlanta, don’t take his calls


He’s actually OK if you meet him at the beach. If he gets too far from the sea, then hulk-mode activates.


But seriously… why is that I expect upgrades/updates from Elektron?.. I never expect anything from KORG or any other manufacturer of these dumb investment noise making things I have… I consider all those final versions and that’s it…

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Because they have delivered wonderful ones. It’s part of what makes them special. But we don’t have the right to demand them. We can be disappointed if they don’t materialize, but it really doesn’t help to voice that feeling publicly.


In contrast… I hate when Windows/Android comes with an update…

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I’m a Mac/iPhone guy, but yeah, I absolutely hate updates, so much shit breaks

I can relate to this on all levels physical and spiritual. The constant flow of comments such as “Oh this would be perfect if it had X, Y, Å, 4, A and B features from both my DAW and stand mixer whilst also being compatible with the dashboard of my Volvo 240” has this unnatural capability of getting on my nerves. Along with the human-shaped nuggets who then buy said piece of equipment in the hopes that it will through the absolute witchcraft that is firmware updates (which are super-easy and not-hard) actually do just that.


You won’t be buying much … probably a good way to kill gas

Without firmware updates the digitakt would’ve been trashed day 1 - the midi was completely … erm … it starts with F . But I think they’ve learnt from that debacle and perhaps I should get over it

But I agree - gear should be shipped in better states

Can you believe shops sell uncooked / raw foods - I have to do things with them to be edible … bastards. I tend to avoid those too. :fish:

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Fin25 got turned down as a Beta tester obviously :wink:


A) haven’t heard “Jeb end” in years, thank you.
B) Been saying that myself for yonks, unfinished products being released… etc

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No! You fuck off!

Why does it have to be the final chapter? These threads are awesome!


I like updates.
And this thread.



I mean, Elektron may well be the exception that proves the rule…a vanishingly small number of the firmware updates that have been released that I have seen for them reduce prior function or drastically change existing UI/UX workflows, and most of them have provided shockingly improved functionality. A second LFO on my DT? Fuck yes, all day long. An additional base/width filter, and new notch filter types for the first one? Goddamn! Scale per track, sample rate reduction…I mean holy hell the DT alone has improved so dramatically over the years, it’s astonishing. I would have loved the DT if it stayed exactly as it was when I bought it, because those were the features I knew it had, and I was happy to pay for them. But how many AR owners right now are rediscovering their love for it with the 1.70 update? How many new customers has Elektron created for itself with its existing hardware line through all of these enhancements (I hope a lot, because their dev team deserves it).

All that said, the “gimme gimme gimme” crybabies who feel like the world owes them something are absolutely insufferable. And I can’t speak to other manufacturers who rug-pull features or capabilities like Soma. So yeah, the world is full of idiots and assholes.

But goddamn I do love me those sweet sweet Elektron firmware updates. That and for my Tascam Model 12 as well.


great minds…

Well Friday the 13th part 4 was called the final chapter and there’s been about another dozen since then…

well you can prove anything with facts, can’t you.