Might get an octatrack. why not?

< opens box. Nothing inside. :wink:

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I don’t hear a difference.


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…nothing…but…the beauty of grain…

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All the love for the OT in this thread (and others) finally got to me. A mint OT MkII came up on Reverb yesterday for almost $300 less than new, and I pulled the trigger. Thanks a lot you guys :wink:


I love when people around here buy octatracks… Makes me wanna buy an Octatrack again.

But you know, like, for the first time. Like if I could erase my memory and listen to Revolver over again or something.

Ah well.


Having sold art supplies I would say it works an impressive amount of the time, especially if you are offering a discount and are being up front about the defective aspect.

I have hope for Toraiz, they seem like a company that will sort their shortcomings out one day and deliver the uber groovebox.

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Man had it 1 day, so good, love it already. Have to return it and want for 10 days before get the replacement one :disappointed_relieved:


Octatrack, :joy: getting a replacement one in a week minus the screw rattling around


When I finally got an OT, I felt stupid for waiting so long.
Years later, it’s only gotten better!


Love this track… Thanx

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Yeah that feeling of stupidity only grows doesn’t it? :joy:


I work at a synthesizer shop and I personally sell a lot of Elektron gear. When people ask me should I get an Octatrack or a Digitakt (I know this isn’t your question) I tell them to get a Digitakt. I tell them that mostly because they are asking that question. When people ask me should I get an Octatrack, I always say yes because they already know they want one! If you are just wondering about the OT because it looks fascinating and fun- You’re right! It’s totally awesome and is not as cryptic and difficult as people think. That time stretch IS the Octatrack. Those FX are Octatrack. OT has it’s own timbre that is totally respectable and unique. It’s my favorite stereo sampler and it’s midi sequencer is insane.


I have my problems with it’s midi sequencer.
But - I told in another thread: If it didn’t had an midi sequencer at all - it would be a weapon anyway, no mather what!

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It’s pretty close. If it had a way to deal with long samples, I’d go for it, despite the price.

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Same. I find the MIDI sequencer functional and I use it all the time but it’s pretty limited in a lot of ways and it’s the part of the OT that I’m always umping against limits with in a not so good way. I like it don’t get me wrong, but the OT wouldn’t be my first choice for MIDI sequencing alone - not sure it’d even be in my top 5. The sequencer is really nice as a feature of the OT as a whole but on its own it’s… OK. Didn’t make me cosnider selling my MPC2kxl when I got the OT, and didn’t stop me from building a Midibox Seq V4 (although it did delay it for a couple years - I’m only just getting around to finishing the front panel right now and haven’t built the I/O boards and case yet, even though I got all the boards and built the main board about two years ago - the OT MIDI sequencer is jsut good enough that it letme get lazy).

If you’re looking to docomplex MIDI sequencing then the OT isn’t going to cut it, but that’s not really what it’s about - it’s about the sampling and the sequencer is a really nice bonus that can hold its own in a minimal live setup and is nice to have around in a studio because it’s fun to work with. Think of the MIDI side as a really nice groovebox and you won’t be disappointed.

The benefit is having all those features integrated into one box, reasonable midi sequencing, sampling, sample playback, fx all tied to the pattern and bank capability does allow a streamlined approach to use it as a centrepiece. As a standalone midi sequencer it is limited, add everything together and it shows it’s strength.


Blah, I thought the Octatrack was bad so I sold it. Realized it wasn’t the Octatrack that was bad, it was my music. :dizzy_face:


How long did you have it for? How far did you get?

After watching this video, I think I might also like an Octatrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS3bRn9Lzv8
(and maybe a Peak and then all I’ll need is some talent! :troll:)


I had one for like a year then sold it, bought a brand new one before MK2 came out then sold it late last year… I pretty much read the manual in and out, didn’t really understand parts, and the samples that I recorded into the Octatrack were crap and didn’t make any sense. I think I tried being too “experimental” which lead me nowhere within my compositions.

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