Midi thru to USB?

Can’t seem to get midi input to pass data thru to USB. Is it possible?

I haven’t tried it myself yet, but what about these settings?

Config Menu
—Out to : USB
----Out/Thru: Thru

Thanks. Yeah I went through all that and it didn’t work in my case. It looks very simple and it “should” work. I’m not new to MIDI and wondered if it works for other people.
Maybe I was doing something stupid will try again

If your M:S is on OS version 1.13, then if MOUT is activated in the Track Setup menu then the track will forward incoming MIDI note data to the MIDI Out port (and presumably also the USB MIDI Out, if configured for use).

I don’t know specifically whether the incoming note messages should be on the MIDI channel set for the track or only on the Auto Channel.

It looks like I can forward program change and note data, but not cc data, does that seem right?