Midi Sync Woes: Rytm, Octatrack, Digitakt, Bitwig

I have been having some very annoying sync issues.
When recording into BW I have issues where my eurorack audio is perfectly synced (within ~1ms), but the OT audio tracks and DT are slightly off.

I understand that 5ms is probably negligible, and that I am overthinking this- but what could be causing this discrepancy? Is there any way to get everything nice and lined up?

My setup is as follows:

Soundcraft Signature 12 MTK
Analog Rytm (synced to Bitwig)
Rytm Midi-> Quadra Thru
Quadra Midi ->

  • Digitakt
  • Octatrack

Octatrack Midi -> mmMidi Eurorack
Eurorack Audio to Octatrack Input A, Thru Machine

OB sync Clock & Transport Rytm
144 Samples block size
Recording Offset @ -651 Samples
Audio Recording Latency Compensation ON

Eurorack: Synced great no issues
OT Audio Track: 5ms early
DT Track: 5ms early

With Delay Compensation off and all other settings the same:

Eurorack: 3-4 ms early
OT Audio Track: 9ms early
DT Track: 10ms early

I tried syncing via USB mid and not OB:

Audio Recording Latency Compensation ON

Eurorack: 25ms behind
OT Audio Track: 20ms behind
DT Track: 19ms behind

Audio Recording Latency Compensation OFF

Eurorack: 20ms behind
OT Audio Track: 15ms behind
DT Track: 15ms behind