MIDI-CV conversion [was: Your OT just became the best sequencer for modular

Hi! I was following this thread for some time and after looking at and trying out some of the existing MIDI->CV solutions I decided to roll my own (as a Eurorack module). The focus is on ease of use with Elektron products, especially the Digitone (as I own one).
The main differentiator to a lot of existing solutions will be outputs for modulation (to really make use of the parameter locks). So every of the four channels gets trigger/cv outs as well as two modulation outputs that one can use for param locks (e.g. mod wheel/aftertouch/bc). But these could also be used for sending cc messages and/or LFOs.
For this module I’d like it to “just work” for this niche use case, so I hope I can go without menu diving or setting up everything painfully. We’ll see.

What I wanted to ask is whether this is something that’s also interesting for some of you. Also, what’s your beef with any of the existing solutions, what would be your wishes for a Midi2CV module tailored to Elektron devices?

Hi @chmanie,
I think there are various solutions I personally like and would choose if you do not build something better.

The Expert Sleepers FH-2 is a nice unit I think! It has most features I love to have.

Another interesting one is the Hexinverter Mutant Brain I think.

I would prefer 8 CV and 4 Gates, so the ES FH-2 is my fave at the moment.