MIDI Controller Cheat Sheet

I just created a textfile that lists all AR MIDI controllers.

The info is from the documentation but it is sorted by MIDI controller number and channel, instead of category.

Maybe someone else may find this useful, too.

Link: http://pastebin.com/fR0QekyR

yes mate! very helpful, thanks

and your wish for pattern select is great

glad I could help!

…and before anyone argues that you can already change patterns using MIDI program changes:

Yes, you can. But you can only queue patterns this way, it does not work with the direct start or jump pattern modes and probably never will since that, according to Elektron, would cause compatibility issues.

The (additional) performance channel pattern select controller I have in mind would also work in ‘direct jump’, and the AR should send out that message immediately when the pattern is selected manually via the [bank] + [trig] key combo.

This is the AR feature I’m missing the most since I currently cannot record / playback “pattern juggling” via a MIDI sequencer!