MIDI controller and M:S note forwarding

Hi everyone! Maybe this was asked before but I couldn’t find the exact answer.

I know it is possible to connect a MIDI keyboard to my Model:Samples MIDI input and send notes to each of the 6 tracks. However, I’m not sure if Model:Samples can forward these notes to it’s MIDI output while not in the “MIDI thru” mode. I need to forward what is played on the keyboard to the same channels as the M:S tracks. Do you know if that’s possible?

I’m using the M:S as my main sequencer for external synths but because it lacks proper keys, I want to be able to preview my synth’s sounds with the keyboard and not with M:S buttons.

Thanks a lot!

The question comes up regularly but you’re right it’s not an easy thing to search for. Try this: Sending CC Messages to external Midi Gear - #4 by bibenu