Midi clock issues - digitakt-syntakt-rytm-external synths

Hi, new here. My setup as is currently: midi keyboard into midi in of digitakt. Midi OUT of DT into Midi IN of Syntakt. Midi THRU from Syntakt into Midi IN of Rytm, Midi THRU of Rytm into midi IN of a dreadbox Typhon, and the midi out/thru of the typhon into midi in of a TD-3. Midi settings on the Digitakt have clock send and transport send, the other two elektrons have clock and transport receive active (sends deactivated). I can get the midi keyboard to play notes from the Typhon and TD-3 when selecting their respective midi tracks on the digitakt and everything syncs fine. The issue is that as clock/transport send on the digitakt is active, and this is sending bpm/transport to Rytm and Syntakt (which I need), it is also activating the built in sequencers on both the Typhon and the TD-3. Deactivating the clock and transport send halts this, and I can then either play notes from the midi keyboard (or the digitakt keys) which is what I also prefer. I am not too clear on the differences between Midi OUT and Midi THRU. Is there a way to have one of these send clock/transport data (to syntakt/rytm) and the other to not send this information, only midi info (to td-3/typhon) ?

Welcome to the forum!

I’m not familiar with the Typhon or the TD-3, so I don’t know whether you can enter a blank sequencer pattern into one or both machines, or whether they can be setup to not respond to MIDI transport messages.

One way to achieve what you want would be to connect Syntakt MIDI Out to Typhon MIDI In instead of connecting AR MIDI Thru to Typhon MIDI In, and then sequence the Typhon and TD-3 from the Syntakt’s sequencer.

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A dedicated MIDI THRU port should, according to the MIDI spec, be how you would send data that is coming into a device back out without merging any new data into the stream. Following that info, a device cannot send Clock from itself out of the MIDI THRU port, but it can allow Clock (and all other messages) coming in to pass through without manipulation or latency.

If you can’t find a way to serial chain your devices and get the messages to work the way you want, then you have a variety of devices that will help. In a lot of cases, what people find the most is that they need to have a dedicated THRU box. You can create a hub and spoke type of signal path that way, which is most efficient for sending Clock, with 1 device in the center being a sort of Master sequencer/controller/clock. The only caveat is if you need 2 of the other devices to communicate with each other, then you won’t have a 100% hub and spoke, there will need to be some devices still hooked up in serial.

Another solution is commonly referred to as a MIDI Router or Hub. This gives you some serious routing options that you may also be able to rearrange on the fly. Unlike a THRU box (or dedicated THRU port) however, Router rely on merging messages (similar to how a MIDI OUT on a device can also become a soft THRU). That goes with the territory of being more complex.

I also think that you are looking at a possibility where, if you could separate the Clock messages from the Transport messages it might suit you better. That’s where you could use a MIDI Filter.

The key thing to find out is if you can disable transport receive on the two synths.