This is a wildly niche question, but does anyone know if there’s been any crossover between the SMTPE ST 2110-41 & -42 Extensible Fast
Metadata Transport & Formatting standards efforts and Midi 2.0? Particularly when it comes to interaction with AES67/AESX242?
It would be really nice to see midi RTP gain more penetration, and this would make natural sense with all the other changes they’re making, to see midi continue to be the default control surface communication and generic automation protocol as larger-scale productions move to converged IP platforms for uncompressed audio and video, metadata, lighting, and control flows.
Personally, I’d love to be able to manage it in the same way that I handle Dante audio in the house — not in the least because actually getting full Dante audio routing everywhere also means I need a distributed control surface fleet. In the meantime, I’ll probably try the little rtp bridge from Doremidi, but they’re pretty basic — one sender can talk to three listeners and one listener can merge (bidirectional) traffic from/to five listeners, but config is all pushing buttons to pair stuff. Having it in the same management tool as Dante would be great.