Micro Timing not being copied when extending patterns

It seems like Micro Timing data is not being copied when lengthening patterns:

  • Create trigs on steps 1 to 16 with various Trig Count and Trig Conditions
  • Hit FUNC+PAGE, hit PAGE to double pattern length to 32 steps
  • All the trigs from steps 1-16 were copied into steps 17-32, but without the Micro Timing information. All Trig Counts and Trig Conditions on steps 17-32 are now 1/OFF

Is this a bug or am I missing something?


I don’t have that behavior, microtiming and TRCs are also duplicated on steps 17-32.
I’m on 1.30B, MKI. What is your OS?


I don’t have that behavior, microtiming and TRCs are also duplicated on steps 17-32.
I’m on 1.30B, MKI. What is your OS?

I’m on 1.30D MKII.

I just noticed this happens only on MIDI tracks.

On audio tracks microtiming and TRCs are correctly duplicated.

Do you get this bug on MIDI tracks?


Unfortunately yes. Trig Conditions and Trig Counts are not copied.
Microtiming values are wrong, increased.


Do you get this bug on MIDI tracks?

Unfortunately yes. Trig Conditions and Trig Counts are not copied.
Microtiming values are wrong, increased.

Well that’s a shame. I’m a new Elektron / Octatrack user, is there a channel of communication with Elektron for OT bug reporting here?

Scroll down to submit a ticket

You’ll need to register the device first


I have microtiming informations, but with wrong values (increased).

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Only with the auto-copy function or manually too?

PAGE + COPY worked properly, from what I tested quickly…


On MIDI tracks, Auto-Copy mangles the microtiming, Trig Count and Trig Condition information. PAGE + COPY works properly.

On AUDIO tracks, both Auto-Copy and PAGE+COPY work fine.


^Same behaviour with 1.31 mkII here.

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I sent this bug report to Elektron. They told me they have confirmed this and reported to their developers.