Metronome on Digitakt Not Working

Is there a plan to fix this? I know it might not be feasible on device fully as it would have to be on another audio track, but I can imagine it should not be too hard to program it into standalone overbridge apps themselves, to correspond with the metronome setting on each device? I use my DT and ST primarily with only the one USB cable connected to my Mac, and could see many others doing the same.

Just got on syntkat , experiencing this in standalone OB , ok seems like a design choice … shame , 1000 euros and i can’t get a metronome with used with overbridge … on a comp lol hard to justifiy such a design fail
My feeling with elektron is that they design thing in as such real in house phylosophy that they get trapped in it for simple thing they didn’t thougth of at start …
Here … it’s the audio routing of the metronome , not availlable as an OB lane of audio … they should route it to the fx track maybe if it can be done …

The Syntakt has 12 tracks, right? Can you not use one of them as a metronome untill you have the basis of your track as a guide? Seems like a rather simple thing to be salty about.

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Of course , and this is labeled a drum computer , all others does it right , i’m not salty , i do music since 89 , and i had quit some stuff …just saying getting this right (and other stuff) should be at least a fundamental for a drum maschine in 2024 …

i usually lay the fundamental by placing triggers in that case , and then play live and modify if needed the first stuff , but , it leads to the same moves at start that are imho avoidable .

So far my experience with syntakt is great but i encoutered numerous flaws that might explain maybe the perceived tone i have here .

  1. Midi double trigger of notes (note off triggering notes ) randomly , in daw only . (yep i checked all midi routing)
  2. Modifiers not working in midi tracks
  3. Triggers not availlable in midi tracks .
  4. Moving just a little the usb cable results in a losing connectioin with overbdige (reminds maschine 1 , they solved this by a new usb design lock usb well in place in a kind of eenclosure around port)
  5. No metronome availlable in overbirdge mod.
  6. Impossible to sync this IN maschine , while it syncs well in studio one …(might be maschine i guess)
  7. No bandpass filter on digital tracks while present on analog ones : why ?
  8. LFO rates : Hz ? bpm ? lol what is 48 supposed to mean … ok we have multipliers … but anyway.
  9. Cowbell or HH , you choose lol
  10. Small lines on the screens here and there

Limitations here and there , or features that are for the future , go figure …
Mixed feeling , and stuff like the metronome adds up …
And sometime overbdige doesn’t recall stuff , strange (toatal recall engaged ect …)