Merge tracks workflow?

Scenario: I have a bass drum track and a separate snare track. Now, I run low on tracks and I see I can combine these two into one track (no overlapping trigs).

What’s your preferred way of getting there ?

Currently, I manually add preset locks to the target track. But what if both those sounds have some customisation ? Presumably I need to save one preset to the locks folder (and name it), then add it to the other track ? Or is there something that can be done with cut and paste that will carry the sound over ?

EDIT: I am aware of a “merge tracks” feature request in the feature requests thread. But in the meantime ? :wink:

I’m not sure if this is possible, but it’s worth a shot. Can you copy a snare trig and paste it onto your kick track? It might carry across the sound, but probably won’t. It would be a cool feature if it did. Otherwise, you’re going to have to enter sound locks and match parameters manually.

Edit: maybe it would work if the snare trig is already a sound lock???


I’m totally disorganised, so almost never use the locks folder. If I make a sound lock on one track, I can copy and paste it to others, but it has to be a sound lock. So, basically, what @craig said.


Apologies … I was lazy and asked this question without 1st experimenting (having just read the related feature request)

After experiment: No, unfortunately.

No, unfortunately can’t get that to work either.

Yes, there doesn’t seem a remotely straightforward way of doing this. Seems you can’t save a sound directly to the locks folder, so if you do have a loaded-then-customised sound you want to transfer, you need to save it in the normal folder structure, then do sound-locks (preset-locks?) on the target track from that.

Either that, or remember how you customised the sound you want to transfer.

I even played with “copy sound” ([TRACK] + {RECORD]) but that will only copy to a track, not to a trig.

Thanks for the input, both of you.

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