MD can't chain pattern by external sync?

I tried to chain pattern by external sync with ableton live(master is ableton live).
But I can’t did it. MD played just one pattern.
OS is X0.8.
Is this case normal or anything trouble?
Could anyone tell me the solution, please?


This is not possible via MIDI I’m afraid (iirc, that is).
Out of curiosity: Why do you want to do Pattern Chaining externally? Do you just want to play patterns in sequence? Because you absolutely can start patterns on the MD from Ableton Live. In the manual, check section B-1 + read about the Map Editor, where you can assign incoming notes to specific patterns.

Yes, I just want to play patterns in sequence.
I decided to use song mode…

If you assign patterns to notes on the MD, you can also make a sequence of notes in Live…

I checked it on manual.
Thank you for reply!!