Mbase 11 - anyone using it?

Anyone using the Mbase 11 or 01?

Lots of big tonal thumping kicks in the demos. How about subby kicks with less tonal character in the midrange?

II’ve got the m base II and love it, just dial up a nice "thumping "kick then move on to the rest of your tune .No need to spend hour s finding the right kick sound .
May be a bit limited in sounds I M O but perfect for huge trancy kicks and subs and weird l f o stuff .
You can also play your sub base line with a midi keyboard.
Note there are some syncing issues with work arounds, it doesn’t like midi time code.

Cheers JC. I listened to more demos and coming to the conclusion that the Mbase is what you make of it. Peoples complaints seem to be mainly due to it not sounding like a 808 or 909…which isn’t a bad thing IMO.

I also use a DRM-1 MKIII but looking for something portable to buddy up with a Nord Drum 2.

how do you rate the kicks in comparison to any other gear you use?


Just go ahead.

The presets just show you more gritt and “hard” stuff indeed.

You can actually achieve a lot 808 boomy styled kickdrums on the Jomox.

The only downsize is the tweaking panel. You can only tweak a parameter at a time (directly from the Machine).

The sound achievements is amazing.

If you ever had that sense of missing a “defined” kickdrum on your tracks…jomox mbase 11 realy delivers it…though you have to tweak it properly!

Good Luck

Don’t even put the Nord Drum 2 to equation (comparing these 2) :slight_smile:

I love the MBase 11! The first sound I tweaked and saved was a discreet, dubby thing wih no high end, very different from the balls-to-the-wall stuff you usually hear. Yes, it’ll do lots of different things with some effort.

Oh yeah! The machine that goes BOOM. My first and definitely one of my most beloved synthesizers. The sound is amazing and very versatile, the 2 knob control sucks big time. But this is no problem with the OT, i consider those two a perfect match. You can also play the MBase chromatic by keyboard/pad controller or just trigger it with a click-track.

If you want to play it live with 808-ish long decay kicks be sure to set the gate time parameter properly. The MBase makes really awful artifact-sounds if the set gate time is longer than the time between midi-notes/trigger impulses. Or you just sample it.

You may also consider buying the new Jomox Mod.Base09. Its the Eurorackversion of the MBase and comes with dedicated knobs for parameter settings (finally!!!). Its a modular, so it lacks a case and a power supply, but that can be done easily.

Is anyone able to give a comparison of mbase 11 vs the A4 ability to make bass drum sounds?

Cheers for the info & opinions everyone. Sometimes difficult to get an idea of a kick synth over the internet.

Should make a good pair with the ND2 for some analog bottom end.

@Mindseye Robot

Even though the A4 does drums, I can’t imagine it being better to use than something like the Mbase which is built and fine tuned for purpose. Even if you set aside the ease of use advantages, I guess the Mbase will also produce more refined kicks.

Cheers Johnny

That’s what I figured too. Although I’m pretty happy with these druma kicks from Darenager

But either way after sitting on the fence for months my Christmas treat to myself today is an mbase 11…already built a touchosc controller in anticipation!

yapp :slight_smile: the a4 is far (!) away from the mbase11, talking about low end kicks! the mbase can produce very low subbasses (counting movements of my subwoofer membrane, i would guess about 3-5hz). and this with just a silly high volume output! even my bass-synths like minitaur or 303 can´t go that deep (without loss of pressure). we never got something like that out of the a4! even with with resomadness… if ure into subbass, go for the mbase!

check our music below, kicks are all from mbase!

loving the sounds of my mbase 2 just arrived!

do any of you guys using it find it responds to program changes weirdly… i have a touchosc controller for it… which the same engine works fine for changing my access virus patches…

but on the mbase i find 2 issues:

  • program change messages behave almost randomly - ie same button doesnt always trigger same patch.

  • when editing cc values over midi (while kick triggered by X trig) it occasionally misses a trigger if a cc is being altered…

am i alone with this - is my unit defective?

edit - did some more tests… seems like it is the touchosc not wanting to gel with the mbase - mpc program changes seem to work just fine.

There is another thread or 2 on here discussing the issue with the midi in regards to program change messages. Something to do with midi-clock clogging up the midi stream in the Mbase.

P.s. I ordered one too :joy:

I was able to fix touchosc controller by making program changes out of individual push buttons… Before I was using a multi-toggle set to exclusive which seemed to mess with the mbase…

Works well enough now as a patch editor far better than the single knob interface.

I’m using Mbase11 along my Machinedrum sps1 mk2 when I need to flavour the sound and dirt it a bit, or, as a mono synth for bass lines.
In any case, a great sounding machine to go along MD :wink:

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Way to use the search :clap:t2::+1:t2:
Also very necro bump :zombie:‍♂

I still have my 11 and plan to use it again soon :slight_smile: