Make neighbor conditions operate on Chance?

I’m noticing that Neighbor conditions only apply to whether the neighbor track plays as a result of its own Conditions, and do not fire/not fire based on when the neighbor track plays when it’s a result of track chance or chance param lock.

For example this is how it seems to work: Track 1 Chance set to 75%, Step 1 has a trigger present and does not fire 25% of the time; on Track 2 Step 1 set to NEI does not ever fire, regardless of whether track 1 fires or not. (Same is true if Track 1 Step 1 has a param lock on its Chance.)

Is there any way to make NEI operate “post-Chance” so to speak? So that in the above scenario it would fire only when Track 1 did? Or any workaround? This would also be solved by something like having Choke groups, though this doesn’t appear to be an option anywhere. Thanks!

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Chance isn’t a Trig condition. The chance is a track condition of sorts. So as Nei only looks for the outcome of the last evaluated TRigCondition above it won’t work with chance.

Your workaround would be to set chance% explicitly on all the trigs with TRCs but you loose expediency and flexibility, but it would work, sorta

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This is pretty much what I figured. I don’t want to set chance per trig for every trig, because it annoyingly also overrides the track chance parameter. Basically was hoping to figure out how to do a coin flip between two tracks at a given step while constantly changing track chance. Oh well.


Hi, sorry for necro bump but I signed up here just to ask that^^ question.

My particular use would be the opposite and using a !NEI trig on the second track so a second sound would be heard when the sound on the first track didn’t play, due to chance.
Using the chance knob, you could crossfade between the two sounds, playing the same pattern

Hope that makes sense.

Would love to know if it’s possible by other means (but not setting a % trig per step as it’s the chance knob’s action I’m looking to jam with iyswim)

I’m using a Model Cycles.

Cheers :slight_smile:

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Hey! This cannot be done as far as I understand it. The NEI trig condition responds to the trig condition of the previous trig on the previous track. The chance knob changes the “track percentage” not the trig conditions. To do what you want to do you would have to go to one of the tracks, hold down all the trigs in grid record mode, and then turn the knob.

Ah, shame. Never mind. It’s not as if it can’t do a ton of other wonderful things!!
Only had it a week and I’m totally in love :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply

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It’s a great device and def a gateway drug into the elektron world.
