Made a new patch randomizer for max

Patch storage link works fine for me, but you can also use the txt file to paste the patch directly into max. To use the text file, highlight everything between these lines:
pre code
/code /pre

Copy all the text, open max, go to File -> New From Clipboard.

Also, make sure to set your midi device to ‘a’
Options -> Midi Setup

Make sure your midi input and output are set to Abbrev(iation) ‘a’

Let me know if you have any other trouble, should run fine in the demo version of max.

Thanks for your reply - patchbase works for me again today without a problem, couldn’t get it to load yesterday for some reason. Sorry, should have been more patient.

pretty sick man!
I’ve only just found this thread.

:+1:t6: :+1:t6: :+1:t6: