Machinedrum unmute issue - is it just my unit?

I think, if we want to get into the details here, we have to talk milliseconds/time. Logically, a mute press has to be read by the cpu BEFORE the trigger is sent. Then it will not trigger. As i understand you correctly, you are aware of the order things are registered, but the TIME it takes on the MD is the problem as it FEELS not appropiate for you (and others). In that case only one thing helps - adaption (sorry)- BTW, it does not matter which protocol is used for that (midi or whatnot). Basically it is the order of events are electrically worked off.

Well, what I meant is that if you unmute a midi note on the beat it will already have been triggered and it won’t sound until the next time it is triggered. Have you considered using the individual outs for sounds that must absolutely always be unmuted exactly on the beat and muting/unmuting those on an audio mixer?

Generally I have no issues unmuting “on” the beat if I count along and unmute on the last “upbeat” before the next bar for example. Even if I’m a little late on that things still kick in on time, I think…

I’m sorry btw if my comment sounded a bit patronizing. I guess I was a little bit irked by you saying you installed x.04 and it was “unfortunately” not improved and that you wanted to reach out to one of the 2 developers to see if things could be improved. For laughs you could consider subscribing to the megacommand github and get an idea of the sheer amount of work that goes into this kind of thing, you’ll see commit after commit being pushed, things being tested, rolled back and fixed and re-implemented ad infinitum. It’s really incredible and I found it kind of humbling. Otoh it’s really not my bone to pick so again my apologies.

Hey - yeah, I know what you’re saying. I think the problem for me really is that I unmute EVERYTHING at the same time, from multiple pieces of Elektron gear. Everything else requires it pretty much on the beat (and by on the beat, I must clearly compensate by a few milliseconds and press the buttons early because, as you correctly state, you can’t unmute something after the fact).

I’m sorry btw if my comment sounded a bit patronizing. I guess I was a little bit irked by you saying you installed x.04 and it was “unfortunately” not improved

I think you misunderstood my comment, which was in response to someone asking if I had installed X.04 and whether that fixed my issue, and I said it unfortunately did not. I did not mean it as an attack on the developers. I am fully aware of how much effort goes into development.

Of course - I’d love to have this bug on their radar if they’re able to go in and fix it. That would be incredible. That’s all I was saying.

It’s a great addition, the X.04, and I’m thrilled they’re working on it (or have worked on it). It’s good stuff. JustinVader also has some soundpacks for the MD (808 and 909) which sound incredible, as an aside.

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I agree with frnk, and theres probably a better methodology for you.
Everything at the same time from multiple electron devices sounds difficult with only 10 fingers and 2 hands.
Are you only concerned with muting perticular steps? Or are these multiple steps in the set of 16 or the entire track?

Hey acemonvw, taking your complaints serious here i did an in depth self observation how i unmute my MD tracks while mute/unmute/touch other gear for interacting with my music…i adopted to the MD’s “slugginess” years ago (since 2008) that i’m totally used to it. I adopted to it and let muscle memory take over. I guess your thread was the first taking this behaviour to this public. Nevertheless, the only way out is to train your mucle memory to this piece of equipment and adopt (or use another sequencer…) all the best, peace!