Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.10 Released [ Unofficial ]

Can you describe what method? I have X.06 but have the same interface and no luck :frowning:

Made a video of a jam on my desk, Iā€™m in love with this thing! The X.08 firmware is amazing, particularly for the Tonal tuning for certain machines and quality of life features like trig previews. And this is without the MCL!


Iā€™m having some issues with X.08 (I was on the factory firmware before updating today)

As I was deleting the factory patterns (I just bought my machinedrum), the bank buttons suddenly stopped working, as well as the jog wheel. All the other buttons worked fine, just the bank buttons for switching patterns stopped responding.

I switched off my machinedrum and continued, and it did it againā€¦ anyone else running into this issue? It wasnā€™t doing this when I was still on the factory firmware

  • test mode to check buttons.
  • revert to 1.63.
  • if still happening hardware issue.
  • if not happening then first iā€™ve heard of X affecting bank buttons. worth reporting. but you can stick on 1.63.

Iā€™m having the same issue with the bank buttons and dial not responding, reboot is needed, usually happens when holding a bank button while changing patterns.
Firmware Machinedrum_SPS1-UW_OS_X.08
Hardware: SPS-1 MK2

Does anybody know if there would be any risk to my Machinedrum if I reloaded the last official Elektron firmware from the current unofficial one? Also, would there be any way to get my projects made on unofficial firmwares to work on OS 1.63? I know the new ones are very cool, but, Iā€™ve had some issues with my Machinedrums since switching to the current unofficial firmwares. So, I want to try reloading the old firmware, but I want to make sure it wouldnā€™t cause problems.

You wont brick it or anything by downgrading. Usual protocol applies. Back up 1st. Then downgrade.

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Any other details. Was the MD connected to anything via MIDI ?

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Had so much fun with the last one that I had to make another! This time with the black faceplate from AUDIO Parasites. :smiley:

Itā€™s weird coming to the Machinedrum now because I donā€™t have experience with it prior to the incredible X firmware. Definitely the best time to experience it but also by far the most expensive time as well!


I can confirm that the glitch is due to X.08. Iā€™ve reverted to the factory firmwareā€¦ I plan on using machinedrum for live performances so I canā€™t really risk having to cycle it live.

I should also add that using X.08, my machinedrum randomly bugged while I was playing it on multiple occasions, usually after using Func + Trig to select a different sound. The buttons would all stop functioning and the sequencer would keep going.

Midi wasnā€™t connected to anything when this happened.

My apologies! Turns out that I just have a faulty trigger button! Occasionally when I press it down, although it comes back up as normal, the mechanism actually holds down the trigger information. This causes all other buttons to register as button combinations.

My apologies to the devs and anyone I may have alertedā€¦ The bugs I reported in my earlier post are most likely not caused by X.08. Iā€™ll be reinstalling X.08 and testing this to confirm.


Glad you are sorted now! Funnily enough, I had a similar issue on Friday when I attached the black faceplate. It was slightly concave, which was putting pressure on the Bank and Func keys, which lead to some issues like you were experiencing.

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This happens whether receiving clock or standalone, I was able to bring it back to life after hitting rec button and up down buttons.
Hasnā€™t happened again after 4-5 hrs of messing with it.

Sounds like same thing as previous post, a failing sticky button mechanism.

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mmm seems like a machinedrum related issue maybe try pushing rec on and off when this happens this can help, it happens sometimes banks freeze up this is a work around and u will be capable of choosing bank again.

X.09 has been released on the Discord - I canā€™t find anything about what it contains however for those interested, here it is. (1.2 MB)


changes are listed in the .txt in the zip

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS X.08 to X.09

MIDI Additions:

When Enhanced MIDI is enabled the Machinedrum will respond to AfterTouch messages.
These behave identically to incoming CC messages but do not update GUI.

that appears to be the only change


Nice, thank you! I hope Iā€™ve not trod on any toes by offering up the file before the creators, I just got really excited.

I downloaded it on my phone, and donā€™t have anything that could open it, so missed the text file. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think this has been asked a bunchā€¦[laziness involved here]

im on X.06 [I believe the number is] is there any reason for me to update yet? not using an MCL. not sure if there is anything in the updates that would benefit the install.

[adding: does anyone have X.06? id like to have it if I revert to old MD or use a diff version and would like to go back to it. I didnt seem to save that one :thinking:]

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Machinedrum SPS1-UW OS X.09 :flying_saucer:

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS X.08 to X.09

MIDI Additions:

When Enhanced MIDI is enabled the Machinedrum will respond to AfterTouch messages.
These behave identically to incoming CC messages but do not update the GUI.