Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.10 Released [ Unofficial ]

Bothers me :frowning:

Yeah, this is why I use my Spectralis to sequence the Machinedrum. The thing I end up missing is parameter locks, although I also gain per track length changes that can be quite nice. So it’s a trade off.

Anyone mind demoing the NFX machines in a video? Would be awsome!!


I’m having an issue that I think might be a bug on the latest unofficial release. Sometimes, when I mute tracks, they don’t actually mute. On the mute screen, it shows them muted, and red light above the track’s corresponding button is off. But, the sound still plays. The only way for me to fix it is to turn off my MD, turn it back on, and try again. Has anybody else had this happen? Mine is a UW+ mk2.

I can actually md record mutes on the akai mpc 2000xl
Also can record most controls - extra plocking and crtall. And I don’t run out of plocks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
And jam back to midi with the xl
It’s pretty awesome.

Anyone know if you can record midi of say function plus left arrow to move or shift the sequencer notes ?

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there’s sysex commands for those buttons (if that helps you)


Oh yes that’s right. Thanks for pointing that out. I’ll give it a shot.

F0 79 6F 75 72 65 20 77 65 6C 63 6F 6D 65 F7

it wont let me just post the above



Would love to have a ratcheting / retrig feature as well. Although, I wish Elektron’s other devices with retrig also generated MIDI for retriggered notes. Maybe it would make more sense to have a separate device (DAW, other hardware sequencer) doing MIDI-capable ratchets, as I wonder if the added throughput would overwhelm the MD.

Is there a feature roadmap or system for feature requests? I didn’t see if the unofficial firmware was open or closed source, but I’d be willing to tinker with adding this feature if it’s open source.

Do you have the UW version? It has retrig on the sample machine

just wondering and maybe this has been asked in the past but could it be possible to port one of the fm machines of the mono here? I guess the mem of the md should be almost full loaded so I think this may be quite imposible

…and playing gnd units via MIDI could be possible in a future?

thank you so much guys


Hi Question I had a performance yesterday and the new OS I dont now for what reason frooze after being I guess synced externally and after that the MD lost all its kits like a reset was made ( factory reset), has anyone else had this issue? All Base midi channels off only external sync and no start stop.
I’m kind of baffled as at my home last few weeks it worked just fine
Thanks in advance

Yes, normal behavior. Check comments above

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did you end up going back? and did that solve the issue? I’ve been experiencing this since upgrading to x.07 a few months ago and thought i could deal with it but it’s such a huge bummer, especially trying to use live

I have a potential fix for the lock up problem. If you want to test, jump on the discord and send me a message.


Just to say, you’re a fkn hero in continuing to develop and support this Justin, massively appreciated. If haven’t already, you should set up a Patreon, Buymeacoffee or whatever where peeps can support your work.


Wow, that is so great to hear, thank you for the hard work :slight_smile:
I am up for testing, however I never used discord and dont know what to do.
How can I find you there?

Would love to join the Discord, can I get an invite link? :slight_smile:

Link in the first post :point_up_2:

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Hi Justin, I am on discord now. Never used it before but I left a msg. In the chat. Not sure how to msg. You directly