Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]

I can confirm :wink:


if we could use the track select dial as some kind of dynamo to power our homes, that would be neat.

if thatā€™s not feasible the old classics ā€œtrack length, trig conditions, chanceā€ are all it needs.
apart from that (and a dynamo) itā€™s perfect.


Trig condition possible, I guess. Other Elektron machines got trig condition updates.
Individual track length - not sure. May require sequencer code complete rewrite. I hope Elektron see the hype and support the developers with background info.


Thanks. Havenā€™t read the whole thread tbh(as it is quite long) but got confused as I believed it was first labelled 1.70 and now X.04

I believe those 2 features are available if you have the MCL

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Given the option of powering my home with the machinedrum via thermonuclear fusion or getting trig conditions and individual track lengths/divisions, Iā€™m still choosing trig conditions and track lengthsā€¦


This is an awesome update that came totally unexpected. Canā€™t wait to try this out and breath new life into my Machinedrum. Thanks a ton!

same :joy::+1:

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This is beautiful, thanks so much!

Took me way too long to find this but iā€™m happy I did!

Iā€™ve just ā€˜revivedā€™ my MD after a very long period in desolation after it got drenched in beer & wine (amongst other things) at a party some years ago. :crazy_face:

Disassembled it, gave it an isopropanol bath, and now we have a new OS! :heart_eyes:

Trig conditions and track lengths would be amazing.

Any chance you could update the LFO for the GND destinations? eg PTC2-4 on GND-SN? That would make for some mental tonality!

Thank you for the hard work on this - will donate to the cause if you have a link.

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thank you for your extraordinary work :v:

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Deed it,and works like a hit of dmt!
Thank you-thank you-thank you!!
Sweet Jebusā€¦you guys rock!!
Huge bow and respect!

Btwā€¦did you keep Elvis?

feature request: when in tempo mode FUNC + UP/DOWN moves in increments of 10bpm. (another dying jog wheel lifesaver :slight_smile: @pidgeo mine couldnā€™t recharge an AA battery )

this is already setup :yum:

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Youā€™re right - must have been looking in the wrong LFO page.

Can we have four LFOs then please? :slight_smile:

Just installing the update. Canā€™t wait to check out the new machines. Thanks a lot for your awesome work guys! Very welcome surprise for MDs 20 birthday

I recently bought a used machinedrum and this upgrade is really powerful ā€¦ thank you very much
:space_invader: :robot: :space_invader:

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I have noticed it but Iā€™m used to it because I work a lot with modular where if you are muting/unmuting triggers you have to unmute before the trigger. Once a trigger has passed, itā€™s passed and since triggers are between 1ms and 5ms if you try to mute on the beat and not right before you are likely to miss it. Perhaps the MD trigs are similarly short?



effects channel on C, D, E F, would be mind blowing ā€¦ :boom: :boom: :boom:

or different pattern lengths for each single track for polyrhythms

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Hello fellows, Iā€™m a sps1 mkll user, not UW model. Is this firmware also working for this model?
