Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]

Thank you!

Thanks a lot!

I was wondering: which Midi-Interface could be used?
Any idea if it is working with the old Elektron “Turbo” Midi-interface and MacOS (Catalina)?


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Wow, that’s absolutely amazing! Thank you so much!

As Ballmer has said so well: Steve Ballmer: Developers - YouTube


Any midi-interface should work fine. Just beware of super cheap “no-brand” usb-to-midi cables since many have experienced them being broken and not able transmit sysex messages

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Just wanted to add my hearty thanks to the other posts here. Thankyou so much for spending your considerable time on developing this platform.


It did work on my computer. (the update is quite long, beware…maybe 20 minutes ?)


nice one.

@v-yadli @JustinValer @waftlord

Thanks guys, Id have been happy as with Solo but this is beyond what anyone anticipated could happen.


1x MIDI upload will be quite slow. 8x Turbo is best if you have a TM-1,


respect :slight_smile:

Featured on the front page of Resident Advisor :slight_smile: Elektron Machinedrum gets first update since 2012 · News ⟋ RA



anything for mark 1 MD?

just saw the news.



Hi all, just picked up on this announcement. The new Saw and Pulse Machines sound super cool and much welcome addition. I am a bit confused though as wasn’t there a new independent forward announced a year or so ago? Is it the same or something completely different? Thanks

I agree with @Dataline, Machinedrum is now the ultimate dark ambient machine with the update.
16 x 4 sines with 16 LFOs all on organic cruncy lofi quality.
Usually I am not an early adopter type, still my OT and A4 run old OS but I was so excited when I saw the test YT videos from @waftlord.
Thank all you X=men, you are my heroes!


It’s the same project: you can read the full details within this topic.

It’s wonderful to see such acknowledgement, excitement and positivity from the community for X.04 in the MDs emerald year.

Do suggest feature requests! (But bear in mind this was done by 2 individuals, with lives, who’ve already donated a lot of time and passion into this upgrade.)
I want my MD to host an email server so i can keep working whilst jamming. :wink: (if Elektron implement this in future hardware i want credit)

re: individual track step length, conditional trigs and all the post 2014 jazz:

as mentioned Megacommand can give you all this if it’s paramount to your music.

Also MIDI note in triggers are now in correct phase with onboard sounds…!! try sending some notes from another sequencer at odd meters. For me a really important and understated improvement.


Ok here’s one. I think it’s great fun and quite expressive to play the MD from an electronic drum kit via MIDI. The bummer here is that while the sounds respond to velocity while playing, the velocity doesn’t get recorded… Do you think it would be possible / worth the trouble to make the volume parameter reflect the velocity when live recording like this?


i hear you, but also it would never capture the rhythmic nuance of your playing when recorded into the MD sequencer. probably better to record midi through a DAW to capture all the data and edit/playback.


My rhythmic “nuances” are best discarded :smiley:

I did suddenly remember there is some maximum number for plocks per pattern (?) that would be reached pretty quickly if all trigs had one so maybe it’s not such a good idea. Recording to a DAW is a good option.