Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]

Thanks but it doesn´t work, maybe becasue my account is new.

Justin, awesome work. I´d like to buy an assembled unit if possible, how could i get in touch with you for details?
Would be awesome, thanks!

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Has anyone noticed that when b2 and s2 play, there is a kind of interaction. I quite like it but was wondering if anyone else noticed it. Basically every hit sounds slightly different.


Can a sysex message for changing snapshots be added in the next version?

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We’ve added this to our backlog. Thanks.


Are you taking requests?

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Thanks for the info and heads up.
Looking forward to checking this out.

From memory the TRX-BD2 doesn’t reset the phase of the oscillator on each trig which could explain the variation on each hit you’re describing. It’s possible the TRX-S2 shares a similar algorithm?


I think a fair few would be grateful if you could add solo functionality to your list. Id def buy you a virtual beer.

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We will closely watch for the requests and evaluate the efforts for the implementation.
The main constraint is time. I’ve been busy with the day job recently, and just finished moving to a new apt., so everything is still boxed at the moment. Development bandwidth should start to ramp up again at the beginning of the next month. :smiley:


I think I have one or two minor (minor he says!) requests…

Keep them coming :slight_smile:
We may need a dashboard to show what’s going on in the devops, what’s received, what’s planned, what’s being implemented and what’s probably too hard for now and queued for future opportunities.


Would there be a way to keep the edited track if one saves a sample recorded with the MD?
Usually the MD asks to “reload yes or no” but whatever you choose, it destroys the track you´re working on.

One more thing, any chance to store samples from the MD on the MegaCommand for people without the +Drive? :slight_smile:

I’m in the same boat. No +Drive for my MD at this moment.
Sample management can be tracked here:

With OS1.71, MC can send wav files from the SD card to MD, and will properly handle loop points.

Saving samples to SD is planned.

keep the edited track if one saves a sample recorded with the MD

Not sure if I understand. You mean, when you use the sample manager to copy RAM slot to ROM, it removes something (emm, sequencer data?) ?


great to be able to save and load from an sd card. Thanks.

Any plans for more MD machines?

Request - sample replacement in e12 machines would be fantastic, if its do able.

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It is still problematic if you use sounds triggered by MD sequencer and external midi at the same time.


Any plans for more MD machines?

I’m doing my homework to get the prerequisites ready. Does anyone know if there’s a good disassembler for Moto 56K DSP out there? If not, I’ll have to write one from scratch (which I’m doing right now, but progress is slow).

sample replacement in e12 machines

In theory this is doable, but it will take some efforts to analyze the internals of e12. Will be easier when we get a better understanding of that.


Are we sure about this bug?


Damn! thanks