Machinedrum / Monomachine Undocumented Sysex


I’m not sure if anyone can help? I came across the undocumented sysex for the Machinedrum on the forum. These sysex strings allow for control of the buttons on the front of the unit. I was just wondering if anyone had stumbled across the equivalent sysex for the Monomachine. That is assuming it exists.


I think those were found by the MCL creators. They released an unofficial firmware for the MnM so it may be possible that they may probe and discover messages for the it too if they continue to support this firmware.

That said, what I would do is use the same MD messages on the MnM and see what happens; I am making the assumption that they have similar Sysex init messages.

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Yes, I’ve already tried it. No joy.


You can find the files here: