Machinedrum data entry knob changing monomachine parameter

basically i want to STOP what the title says. every time i turn machinedrum’s track 7 machine parameter 1, the filter base on my monomachines track 2 changes too. i DONT want that. i thought it was control change messages im sending out from the machine drum but even if i turn ctrl out to OFF it still changes the monomachine parameter.

how do i link them up so thats the case?

set your MDs base channel beyond the MnMs MIDI assignment. eg 10-13 or higher if your mono is using 1-9.

THANK U, this fixed it. i just turned “Control Base Channel” to "Channel: – " and it worked. but one thing i still dont understand, when i see “Channel: --” that to me sounds like: “Okay, don’t send any MIDI information out at all, on any channels.” so how is my monomachine still responding to my machinedrum play button? and its still receiving tempo

youll have to forgive the stupid questions, im not very well versed in linking hardware together. i do all my stuff inside a daw

Yeah forgot about —nice

This is the midi send and ext control channels for note and cc

Transport controls are separate and fall under the CTRL in global which is related to syncing

ohhh got it. thanks so much, was such a headache :pray: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: