I’m relatively new to that midi-thing, yet i could get the Machinedrum to start patterns on my Bass Bot whenever i press play on it. My issue now is, the sounds that come from the BB seem to lag behind the MD. Since the BB is my only synth by now, i can’t tell if the reason is a midi-lag (?), or if the BB is just to slow to generate the sounds just in time. Is there a way to globally slow down the MD, like putting a little swing on every single note/track or something like that?
Just a brief disclaimer, I’ve never touched a TT-303 before. A brief glance at the TT-303’s manual suggests that it will automatically adjust and sync to any incoming MIDI clock.
The Bass Bot will be under the control of the external device when it detects an incoming MIDI clock. It will respond to external start commands, stop commands, continue messages, and clock information.
Since the TT-303 is running when you press Play on the Machinedrum, it sounds like you’ve configured the Machinedrum to send control messages, which is a good start to getting these two to play nicely together.
However, is the Machinedrum also configured to send Tempo Out? You can find that under Global -> Edit -> Tempo Out -> On. If the MD is not sending tempo, then I would assume that the Bass Bot would continue to be syncing to its own internal clock and might account for the delay you hear.
My apologies if you’ve already done this, but this would be the first place I would start troubleshooting your sync issues.
I’ve alraedy set the MD to send Tempo Out (the Tempo knob on the BB is disabled). My problem is not the sync of the two machines, it’s more like the BBs oscillator/envelope/filter is responding just a little too slow to whether the midi input or to its own sequencer. Whenever i adjust the parameters on the BB to make soft and long sounds it’s ok, but whenever i turn them so to create more short and crisp ones, they begin to lag behind the MD (e.g. in comparison to 16th HiHats) and the songs get this awkward, clumsy vibe.
I’ve never tried that piece of kit, but the DSI Tempest behaves the same way. Sync is just not tight enough for my taste, unfortunately.
It has to do with the speed at which the Amp envelopes ramp up. There are a few workarounds :
use the Tempest as master (tighter sync)
program the Tempest from the MD (or OT) sequencer
nudge the trigs in the Tempest’s sequencer, or micro time the sequences in the OT (or potentially “swing” the whole sequence in the MD)
All those solutions are of course less than ideal. I usually end up sequencing the Tempest from the OT.
If you want “perfect” sync between all sorts of analog hardware, you MAY have to invest in a clock that lets you adjust timing for its outputs (like some of the Innerclock stuff)
Unfortunately i don’t own a Tempest and also won’t invest in a clock in the next time. So i’ll stick with the swing option. That’s gonna be tricky since i already have swing on certain tracks or notes.
The latest OS update for the TT-303 fixes a 30 ms sync lag with some devices!
Could you try this and write about your experiences in this thread? I’m thinking of getting a TT-303, but a sync-lag would be a major dealbreaker for me.
Second, i feel a little ashamed because i didn’t update my BB, i thought it was up to date since i’ve bought it very recently. Anyway, the update was quick and easy and as far as i can say by now the lag has vanished. If i experience anything different i will give you an update here. Now it’s time to make some acid basslines.