Also spotted a monome and OP-1.
Also a Tenori-On.
Also, the last moment gave me a bit of a shiver; there’s a Wilhelm Scream that plays, slowed down a bit. I still have that file on my Octatrack from the Science Lab back on the E-U forum. I was actually just messing around with that project a few nights ago, since after 3+ years I’m finally forcing myself to figure out the OT.
Was weird hearing it in a movie trailer in literally the exact same context!
Thanks for posting my trailer
The film is traveling around the festivals now, but will be released in the fall:
Next festival is Sci-Fi London:
I did most of the music for it with my Analog Four.
Hey, cool intervention.
Is it possible to ear, somewhere on the web, you sound track ,
Would be cool
I’ve just got back from seeing the film at sci- fi London. A great film, lots of Elektron action, both in the film and on the soundtrack and score. Highly recommend for all Elektronauts!
Ooh, intriguing!!!
elenacortes: It’s more or less just weird stuff, but I will upload some of it soon
Tenchi: It was nice meeting you, and I’m glad you liked it.
Found this review from the London screening: