Machindrum alt. os tutorials?

I got Machinedrum 2 UW+ version and looking for some extensive / deep dive tutorials similar to what Cuckoo did for digi boxes. Please, advise, are there anything like that out there?
Googling on YT didn’t give much results.

From that playlist:

this guy has some of the best tutorials I’ve found. Most of his tutorial videos in that playlist may seem pretty specific based on how he titles them, but don’t be fooled he drops random gems every few minutes. His monomachine sine wave tutorial is also really well done and gets into the nitty gritty of the quirks of it’s signal flow


I think he’s wrong about the compressor in this. Isn’t the compressor level on max by default? I always thought MIX = 0 is max, while MIX = 128 completely bypasses the compressor. But cool vid and good tutorial over all.