MacBook Pro 13" (2020, i7,32GB RAM) Overbridge Performance

I recently ordered a MacBook Pro 13" (2020, i7,32GB RAM) and now I’m thinking about getting Digitakt and Digitone. I am particularly interested in the possibility of integrating the two devices via overbridge. However, before I buy the two devices, I wanted to ask if the performance of the Mac is enough to run Overbridge? Maybe someone has already had some experience with it.

As a note: I do not plan to run more VSTs parallel to Oberbridge

Thanks and be safe!

That’s plenty fast enough, you can run other VSTs and other stuff as well, should be fine.


Thanks ! :slight_smile:

wait you’re talking about top-notch high-tier most recent macbook and you seriously ask ‘if it handles overbridge’? what would be the use of it at all if it couldn’t work on this spec?


yes you can go for it. your mac spec is enough to get things working
is it on SSD ? i imagine yes… but you didn’t mention it…

My computer just retired for good.
Would like to replace it ( 2012 mbp 16g and 1T) for one that can at least be functional with updates for next 5? Years. Im on limited budget…cant afford the fancy turbo jetted ones…appreciate any suggestions and needed clarifications. Thank you.