Low hanging fruit enhancements

You’re damn right and now I feel stupid to not having thought about it haha… But yeah, it still could add a layer of confusion and potential mistakes though.
Maybe those shortcuts could be activated by something like double tapp the Func button when not in record mode and then hit the trig you want. I dunno.

A Scene mode for Octatrack :
Like you would select Chromatic, Slices…mode, a Scene mode letting you select 2 scenes at the same time. Lower is A, upper is B.
That would be extremely powerfull.

It is Not very convenient to select 2 scenes quickly while playing crossfader. Doable with midi, parts, Arranger though.


Lots of tiny OT requests that would make a huge difference in this previous ‘small tweaks / low hanging fruit’ here:

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Would be lovely to see an OT update addressing some of these - one for the Mark II recent buyers and a reward to the trusty Mark I!

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DT second filter. DT and DN selectable control all. Individual trig previewing.

Same Os, one for both then. :wink:

DT master page - levels can be global (per project) or per pattern.

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A per bank option would be super nice for performance. I wish all the send fx + the compressor had the option to be set per bank actually, copy - pasting is a pain.

Also Trig + Yes to preview individual trigs on the DT & DN. Would make parameter locks much easier to dial in.

To me those both seem pretty attainable through os updates :slight_smile: