Lost the Sync MIDI Clock after press the Tempo buttom

So I did the sync sending MIDI OUT from the Analog Rytm to IN at the Octatrack, was working perfectly fine.

The machines was running together, so I was trying things on the octatrack and in some point I change the Tempo on the octatrack and loose the sync forever!
I cleaned the send/receive on the options of both machines, I did restart both, I try to change (reverse) for the octatrack send the midi clock in to the Analog Rytm, doesn’t working at all. :frowning:

I FIX! :smiley:

The problem was that I was watching cuckoo analog rytm mega tutorial and he is explaining how to put samples inside the analog rytm.
So he said to set on the midi configuration (IMPUT FROM: USB and OUTPUT TO: USB)
So, I shit in myself.
Sorry to disturb you guys :slight_smile:

Glad you sorted it out. Midi can be a bitch.

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