Yes, I checked both, the ADSR one is close to what I’d like to use, the other one does basically the same thing, and the paid “pro” version is under development and doesn’t have much to offer (yet) over the free one nor over the free ADSR. Many bells end whistles that are not necessary because in the end we need an external editor anyway.
Neither has the feature I REALLY need: integrated batch samplerate/bitdepth conversion and export. I have samplerate converters but they all have issues with nested folders.
Many sample collections come in a nested folder structure such as FantasticSounds/AllSamplesCollection/SomeCriterium/ThisX0X/Hits/Kicks/Wav/ProcessedOrDry/FinallyASound.wav
I have many of these that need to be converted to work on my different samplers. I’ve tried to run many a batch converter on those collections but many seem to be limited in their nested file handling.
In the end, I just want a collection of kicks, a collection of snares etc and be able to make a selection, hit “export to (whatever format is needed)” and transfer that to the sampler.
What would be great is simply a CaptureOne or a Lightroom for samples.