Hi, anyone tried this combo in a live situation?
If so what ways of working do you use and is it stable on stage?
Hi, anyone tried this combo in a live situation?
If so what ways of working do you use and is it stable on stage?
Only problem is the sync. For a true sync you need something like the Innerclock Systems thing,
For me, it isn’t worth it to try and use them both without that. You’ll be struggling to keep things in sync, Abletons clock is pretty awful. I just use Ableton at home now
Edit: Doh! Sorry. I am in a studio setup, not a live setting. I don’t think I’d have confidence in the sync to do this live.
I’ve been wrestling with Live/OT sync in the studio.
I am running Live 9/Mac Pro/10.6.8/MOTU MTP AV/OT/MDUW+
MDUW is slaved to the OT via the OT MIDI Thru port.
I could not get the OT to slave to Ableton Live no matter what I tried. Crazy MIDI loops and weird behavior. I don’t recall MIDI sync being quite this difficult and I have been using it for a long time!
Turns out I was ovefrlooking the “Sync” Port setting in Ableton Live. I never did get the OT to slave to Live. But I got Live to slave to the OT (with the MD slaved via MIDI thru).
I somehow landed on a setting of -72.5 ms on the MIDI Clock Sync Delay for the Input Sync Port on the MTP AV. But I am sure this delay setting varies WILDLY system to system.
For me, it takes about 2-4 beats for the OT and Live to sync up. Then it’s pretty rock solid. I’ve considered adjusting the MIDI Clock Sync Delay to play with the feel of the groove.
I am sure there are better ways of getting things synced up. If the Innerclock Systems solutions were less expensive, I’d be all over them. But this is working for me.
i’m having my OT slaved to Live and my MD and A4 also slaved to my OT.
I do have to say that from the moment I start to throw in plugins in LIve i always have to re-do the delaytick. Works kind off frustrating but after a while you get used to it and its fun to play around…
BUT that also let me think about going live with OT and Live because i think it will fuck things up after playing around.
So i’ll probably look to an live setup without PC
I finally got round to wiring everything up properly in my home studio and have Live and the OT working very tightly to my ears.
I read somewhere that 9.1 improved things for some. While I can’t speak for any improvements I can say that with the midi clock sync delay (for me set at -70.0 ms) everything is working fine. I had considered an innerclock systems thing but not needed now - though I’d still be wary going live without one. Playing live wont be happening for me though!
Over the Christmas break I have spent a few evenings jamming for several hours and trying stuff out with the OT as master, Live as slave running vst’s back into the OT and the OT also running an iPad and Tetra. Nothing has jittered noticeably and when I record midi from the OT in a Live clip everything is pretty much aligned as good as I want it. I’m sure I could improve the tightness by adjusting the sync delay by fractions but it really isn’t required.
My main downer of the moment is that notes played on my keyboard of a length longer than 1/16th only register if the OT is playing. Im not clued up enough in midi to work out why but am guessing it is a quirk of the OT’s midi functionality. It isnt much of an issue in either case.
Just read jwo’s post and it’s interesting he used a delay of -72.5ms which is quite in line with what I’m finding. I can confirm that it can at times take 2-4 beats to sync - muting tracks would mask this I suppose. And then it’s rock solid for me after that. Chucking new vst’s doesn’t impact on the delay for me. I am on Windows 8 too if that is relevant.
I gave up trying to sync Ableton and my OT and MD. Sync was too unstable in my case as well.
Now I feed my OT with audio exported from Ableton instead.
+1 for the Innerclock. Got one from someone on here and never had any problems with sync since then.
I’m on the Bitwig beta but havent bothered testing midi sync yet - if anyones interested I’ll give it a try and report back over the next couple of days.
I set ableton to slave to the OT’s clock and everything went fine. Only tried it in studio but there was no drift and everything stayed fairly stable. I didn’t change BPM’s very much so that might be where people run into trouble. I used the OT’s midi out’s to control some VST’s and it all went quite dandy. I’m a big fan of this set up. FYI I’ve got a Fast Track Pro midi interface on a 2011 15" Macbook Pro
Live, or really any software running on a computer (except like an amiga or atari or something) gives out horribly sloppy midi clock, its not advised to use it… there are many reasons for this but the main point is that midi clock from modern computers sucks balls
better to slave to a device
better yet get a generator of some sort… MTP AV, innerclock, or this thing maybe: http://www.midiclock.de/
So what’s better innerclock or the ERM midiclock?
innerclock does a bit more than just generate midi clock because its synced with the DAW via audio clicks that come from a bundled vst … and therefore it also compensates for audio buffer latency - meaning you can record external sequencers into the DAW and its already perfectly synced… plus it has more midi outputs, and also din sync outputs as well
but its way more expensive
So with innerclock I could sync my out board gear with Live and send the audio back into Live record and be in perfect sync?
I got to get that lol
To be fair, I’m already doing just that without an Innerclock or any other such device. Though I’m happy to concede that others have midi problems that are well documented here and elsewhere.
To be fair, I’m already doing just that without an Innerclock or any other such device. Though I’m happy to concede that others have midi problems that are well documented here and elsewhere.[/quote]
What’s your formula, if you don’t mind me asking?
Well, it seems like I might be one of the lucky few, but in any case:
OT acting as Master. Midi in from my x-Station, Midi out to Tetra and then to A4000 and then Thru to the x-Stations midi in (which, via USB, then feeds clock/midi into Live). Its Windows 8 PC with Live 9.1 - apparently more successful with external midi.
The second x-station midi out is fed into my iPad via an iRig. The midi has been delayed by about 0.70 ms within Live.
At the moment, Im only just discovering the use of Cue’s for working around the limited audio I/O’s of both OT and X-Station but in short, I haven’t done anything special to make things “work”. It just does! Im able to route audio cleanly through either OT or X-Station with both Live and OT audio recordings within acceptable margins in terms of sync. If I had to put a value to it Id say audio is at least 99% aligned when fed back into Live which is acceptbale to me with no clicks and pops.
I think I’m just a little fortunate that things have worked out. It wasn’t always this way. In earlier set ups when I first got the OT I had a lot of hassle with things but Im not sure if it was me, general midi issues or pre Live 9.1 version issues.
So probably not much of a help but I’d encourage you to try hooking stuff up again with Live 9.1 (if you have it) and then to adjust the midi delay to sync things up with the OT. I don’t doubt that an Innerclock really tightens things up for the vast majority of people, I’m just glad that, for the time being at least, its £x00 I don’t need to shell out and can put towards an A4 instead!!!