Live techno set - your workflow

That’s one trick I use lately. Though I just map the crossfader to the feedback, so I can feed the delay/looper with the send knob then flick the crossfader over to engage the loop.


I usually map the crossfader to send.

Yes I use samples too. For the drums I mostly use the analog machines. But for pads and other such things I often use samples. I don’t mind the rudimentary sample controls in Rytm too much, it makes for many happy accidents. Also the Dual VCO is great for arp type things and all kinds of weird experimentation.

The new additions in 1.5 (I have only recently updated mine) are really fantastic. Not having tempo per pattern was stopping me from using the Rytm as my MIDI master before (I’ve used the Digitone), but now we have that and some other nice additions.

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Good tip, and yes I’ve indeed used the OT for looping too.

I’m just trying to come up with a smaller live setup right now because I really hate flying with expensive gear, having to leave it unsupervised at clubs sometimes, the hassle of sometimes having to set things up in a rush, and so on. Also the workload of preparing and practicing a set also seems to grow exponentially with the amount of machines you have.

So having less gear and ideally being able to travel with just hand luggage would be good. Plus I’m digging the minimal approach and making the most out of things.

Hence thinking about Rytm+H9 or a similar setup for performing. Been checking the Boss RC-202 too, if you have any other recommendations for compact loopers, I’m all ears.


I use a AR Mk2 with a small mackie mixer, Pad 1-2 and 5-6 on separate output, Oto Bim and Bam on send.

Each pattern is a song and I play with mute, scene and performance to create variations.

I d love to add an Octatrack for loops’ field recording and transitions.

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The AR has so many variation possibilities with those functions! (also add fill)

I’m using a similar approach. Not exclusively with AR but also MD, Circuit Mono Station ans sometimes iPad. Plus Xone:96 and FX. In this setup I actually have sound material of multiple tracks in one pattern on each instrument (I don’t use tons of channels). Having access to multiple tracks’ material without having to change patterns really helps me jamming and building new combinations and transitions on the fly.

I’m thinking of adding a midi controller with 12 pots mapped to the AR’s performances for direct hands on access to the variations afforded by those. Ideally I’d like to get to a level where I can get into a live set with no pre-planned structure and use all the variations and modulations I have at hand to build it improvised. Not there yet though :smile:


Great idea about MIDI mapping the performance controls, especially for those of us with the MK1. Going to try that soon.

Thank you for sharing…I am also considering downsizing ( not for performing but to save up for re-201)…good to know about samples. I have problems with rhythm using some pads parameter.
Thank you again for sharing and inspiring.

Very interested in RC202 also, need to be sure on midi clock sync to keep loops well quantised though, wish I could borrow one for the day to see if it does the job.

I’m going to trial the Ableton looper approach also But I’m then presuming I’ll have to use Ableton as clock source for my rig??? Which then takes me to do I need an ERM midi clock or similar … another case of gear begats gear lol

The RC-202 looks good, I just checked out a video on it and was quite impressed.


Oh yes you re missing out if you only control them with pressure!

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Yes yes. Mapped some performances to the Octatrack encoders today. Takes it to a whole new level for sure. I’m already thinking mapping mutes, performances and track levels to an external controller. This would allow to mainly use the Rytm to control scenes while doing other stuff simultaneously from the controller… Something like that! Further ideas? The Faderfox stuff looks cool…

I watched a video where Surgeon is using a faderfox PC4 with the OT

I d mostly have the mute page open all the time and control the perfs over midi. No more advanced ideas than that i m afraid.

Nice discussion here, about Rytm and OT, wich is my summer techno set.
I was wondering if one of you had found an efficient midi controler well adapted to Rytm : faders for track levels, rotary buttons for Perf (that would maintain the perf at the choosen level) and cliks button for Scenes.
Would like concentrate on playing with AR and have an immediat access to the differents main AR tools for playing.
I remember reading some posts here about this questions. But time has past and I would like to ear about new controler that would have passed under my radar.

Not exactly what you were asking for, but have you seen the RytmPad?

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This seems close:


Thank you for these two nice solutions. I think that Faderfox is the winner. I had it on my radar, but wondering if there was new proposal. I just have to wait until my walet can afford it :grinning:

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How do people feel about the Mr G set posted above?

Personally I love it (but I’m on old house and techno head now).

I’m leaning more and more to a simpler setup for getting back to live gigs. Are people responding to the more minimal techno these days? Or has the ubiquitousness of the DJ set changed expectations?

I know this depends on the crowd and venue, but just interested in people’s opinions. I’m really leaning towards just the faderfox and the Rytm myself, but it does sort of self select the complexity of live music.

It’s probably more popular than ever.

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