I’m happy to present a set of 120 analog percussion samples made with the Macbeth Micromac synthesizer, and a bit of analog outboard as well. The samples make great food for your Machinedrum, Octatrack or other hardware or software sampler, for a mere US$7.
67 Kicks
16 Snares
13 Hats
5 Percs
19 Kicks with external fx
The Micromac is an LPF-only synth, so some of the non-kick sounds have bottom end that you can use to re-purpose sounds depending on how you eq/filter. In other words, some snares, say, have enough bottom that you could either roll off the bottom and keep it as a snare or roll off some top and use it as a kick. There are kick sounds in here with enough decay to be used for bass as well.
I’m using the set quite a bit so I expect to get some more demos done over the next little while.
Listening to the demo right now. Sounds great to me! Really great! It must have been a lot of work, to decide on the different samples. Once I tried to make my own analog percussion sounds with my minibrute. But I got so many sounds out of it, that I was not able to make a good selection. Just to much sounds, I none was as good sounding as yours
Yeah, you just have to stop at some point… It’s a lot of fun too though… reminds me when I made drum kit samples with my acoustic guitar a couple of years ago, I was well over 600 samples and finally had to stop myself!
This project has been a lot of fun… and really focused my attention on the Micromac for a while, helping me to learn a lot more about sound designing on it… now it’s got me messing with the Octatrack again… I hadn’t touched it in a while, now I’ve fallen in love again with its insane versatility.
@Paper sheet… most definitely, I’ve been jamming with lots of reverbs and delays… last night’s demo has some Space on it but I’ll be doing more.