LFO Filter sweep etc using a trigless trig

any suggestion as to how to switch an lfo on just for the duration of a pattern?

What do you mean by the duration of the pattern? One cycle of the pattern (just the first one?) or until you change to the next pattern?

the duration of a 4 bar pattern on one specific track.

Why not just use the following settings instead of trigless trigs?

trig=sync one (or sync half to prevent the bipolarity curve running through zero)
depth fixed at some value to get to the max value you want

spd=32 should give 4 bars if I remember correctly.


A conversion table for speed/delay settings can be found here:


I do this regularly, there are a couple of different ways to achieve what you want.

First off have you used the sync trig setting? Ramp lfo is bipolar so you will have to p-lock the value with an extra half the lfo depth value. P-lock lfo depth and value for every trig in that track (plus a trigless lock on the first step if it’s already empty), same values for all of them. Speed 32 if you’re running at regular tempo division.

Sorry if it’s a bit cryptic, it’s easier to see than explain so just try it out :wink:

i’m getting the desired sweep. Mmm, plock on every trig?

Almost considering getting in the queue again for the Cirklon.

this is very easy in the better yamaha sequencers using continuous midi data, just uses loads of cc’s which is partly why I got the OT.

Blah blah disillusioned newbie… seriously some simple tasks are such a ball ache with this thing! great things can happen as well obviously.

still looking for suggestions as to switching on an LFO for the duration of 16 steps(in midi)

Not literally all 64 steps, just the ones containing a trig. Or you can use another midi track set to the same channel for longer sweeps using the lfo setting ‘trig’ and a trig condition.

Edit: if you only want it for the first 16 steps then p lock all the used trigs beyond 16 steps with depth 0. Octatrack LFOs are extremely flexible, you just have to get used to the way they work

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What about a pattern with a different part (with lfo depth increased)?