I suppose this isn’t possible since you’re really manipulating note length and that’s not a LFO target either but if anyone knows of a hack-y way to achieve this without plocks, I’d love to know.
Not entirely sure I get what you mean. Do you want to modulate the gate time with an LFO ? So some notes are short and some long depending on the LFO state ? I don’t think gates work like that. They are either on or off. Either state is usually used to trigger a VCA or envelope generator. You could use the LFO to modulate the decay or release time of the VCA
my hacky suggestion is to use a square wave lfo as the gate (ie by value lin) vary the speed of that with another lfo and use the trigs to vary stuff too if you want a trig tie in
another idea would be to use an env for the gate and vary the time dependent parts of teh envelope with an lfo - when that value drops below your gate level will depend on the rate, your required gate level and the value you set in value lin, so set that above the gate level and use an envelope with/out sustain to taste