Legato patterns

Hi all,

Had the OT for a month now. What a beast. Have gone back and forth on keeping it. Love it ,just expensive in terms of money AND time required to get a grip on it… Anyways, you all know about that.

I’m wondering if there’s a way to switch patterns in a “legato” fashion similar to Ableton’s legato clip launching?

For example, play pattern A1. On beat 3, switch to pattern A2 which starts playing on beat 3, picking up from A1, so to speak, instead of starting on beat 1.


I think this is in the pattern chaining settings. I am real new to the OT and just finding my feet but I think if you look up pattern chaining you will be abel to find it… I hope… maybe… there’s a chance.

not currently possible, but A4 can do something similar, so hopefully it’ll be implemented on the OT in the future.

Thanks, rhizome, glad I didnt go on a goose chase for that feature.

any other hardware or ipad-app with this feature, either audio or midi?


JJOS on the MPC1000/2500 has this. There are 3 options for queued sequence playback, and I think the “Play Immediately” setting has this behavior.

good to know!

so that works like Live, where you can set it to jump into next pattern after 7 beats, then jump back after three beats