Cant seem to find the latch for the arp
Being used to the MonoMachine where it is one of the modes (sid,key, etc,)
I just love to have the arp running whilst playing with the sound
Cant seem to find the latch for the arp
Being used to the MonoMachine where it is one of the modes (sid,key, etc,)
I just love to have the arp running whilst playing with the sound
workaround: place a trig with infinite length, let the sequencer hit this trig, then mute the trig (with a trig mute, not muting the track!).
Cool tip, also works for holding notes, if you want a drone without the note(s) resetting each time the sequencer passes it. I know you can adjust the envelopes to counteract that. But this way lets you hold the note like you’re holding button keys, with no interruptions.
Does the Arp on the keys have a Latch? I know there is the Hold Mode but
this does not work like on a conventional Arp, in this Mode all you can do is
just start the Arp and nothing else, if you touch a key after that it will shut
that key off…or maybe i am missing something?
Nope. I was disappointed with this at first, as I own a Blofeld keys and the Arp implementation on that, is superior to almost any other synth I’ve tried, imo
What you need to do is have the Arp length set to infinite and set the Arp on the first trig. Then to stop the Arp from resetting at the end of the sequence, take the first trig off. Then the Arp will play on till it’s stopped.
Hooe that makes sense, and I’ve put the right info. I’m typing this from a 1yr olds birthday party, so my brain may be a little frazzled!
Edit:yeah so ignore that. I misread what you wrote!
Actually thanks, i learnt some other stuff in your reply. It is sad that this Arp does not work
like all normal Arps with the Latch, Quantize when you press Notes e tc…
Yeah it’s a bit disappointing at first, however (and this is a cliché) the limitations of the Arp, do make it an interesting one.
What I have had some fun with, is sending the Arp to the mother 32, and then using the same pattern on one of the a4 tracks to compliment it. And definitely try some drums or percs with the a4 Arp, with the probability triggers. It adds some nice random energy to a drum loop.
Hitting this old thread… But instead of muting the trig, you can try using a conditional trig with setting of 1st. Then it will kick off the first time the pattern plays but not keep retriggering on every roundabout. Still use the inf len though.
To be fair, as per the other thread where you point out the tip, the original issues/workarounds all pre-dated the introduction of Trig Conditions which are definitely the way to go now
HA! So there is another thread I replied to! I saw this and I was like “man… I could have sworn I threw in my $.02 on this…”
Memories… All alone in the moonliiiiiight… Fading fast…