Last call for deep space

just a final little transmission prior to knocking this album together…finally surfacing this autumn with a bit of luck…

this one’s just an atmospheric interlude, roughly cut from a longer piece, no mastering or tarting-up…but something to drop you in the zone ready for interstellar space.

Thanks in advance if you listen.


Awesome. Are there samples in there or pure synthesis? It’s definitely a magnetic highway with a very high top speed. I’m looking forward to the album.

Thanks dude - appreciated

No samples - just hardware synths/fx
( Micromac/SEM Pro/mono machine ) mainly

nice work!

Beautiful spacey composition and sound design, love it!

Nice drone, bottom end is under control with plenty of air but for me there wasn’t enough movement nor did it evolve.

cheers chaps.

Jon9 - yes, you’re absolutely right - it just sits there… well actually it doesnt : the whole piece is actually over 15mins long - & thats where it changes & evolves.

I just cut the first 3 & bit mins out & bunged it up on Soundcloud…

My plan is that I’m either going to comp together a proper edit from the whole 15mins into a proper track with more stuff going on, or ( more likely ) actually use it really small sections throughout the album as linking interludes or segues…


^whatever you choose to do on the album i hope you make the full unedited piece available somewhere :wink:


cheers Duba ! :wink:

yeah - may well sling it up there at some point…actually I realized I lied…it’s not 15 minutes long

It’s 22 minutes long… :zonked: :neutral_face: :joy:

Cool that does sound cinematic, nice work! What FX units did you use?


cheers mate.

FX were : Eventide SPACE / Strymon Timeline / Lexicon LXP-1 / Boss RE-20 / Monomachine :wink:

Oh well forget it then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Wow this confirms my shortlist… The timeline is on the top of my list :slight_smile:

love the Timeline. It’s just got a really cool sound - I mean you can’t wrong with Eventide’s Timefactor ( obviously I love the SPACE ) but there was just something extra special about the TL, for me anyhow…

I really dig it, this sort of stuff floats my capsule and personally I like the subtle evolution, if this type of stuff changes too abrubtly it can serve to lose the feel, from my own experience of listening to lots of this kind of stuff and having a go at doing similar types of pieces, I think there is a real art to resisting the temptation to make it go somewhere too fast, glacial changes are actually quite difficult to pull off IMHO, so good job in my book.

I made a comment on SC that it needs to be at least 3x longer, so 22minutes is even better :wink:

I think this will be great for chilling to or meditation, and this area of music is very much coming into its own, I look foreward to hearing more!

cheers Daren. Yeah - I must concur I’m really getting into the long form drone-y stuff. It’ll probably be too much to put something that long on this album, as the rest of it is my usual techno-clatter …:wink: … But I could certainly see myself exploring this as a form at some point more fully.

that drone stuff you did a while back was awesome btw Daren…

Well roll on Autumn then, I’m in for sure. You going for physical release or digital? If digital then I’d say stick the full version on or do it as a bonus track maybe? Worth thinking about…

Yeah I got a real new found appreciation for ‘nice’ drone stuff, the noisey “I just got a modular, listen to it spasm whilst I try to figure it out” stuff don’t do it for me though, and TBH I’m getting really bored of polyrhythmic for the sake of it bollocks, so a nice bit of techno done with the same production quality and musical appeal as this taster is just my thing :wink:

Ha, maybe it’s my age, but the other night I went out for a night drive to clear my head, stuck on “Chosen Lords” and was pretty much transported back to the feeling of being in my early 20’s, sad I know but weird how music can do that. Point being - need more good techno for car:joy:

Totally agree and you’ve raised your point very well. It’s something I battle with all the time as a writer of drones/atmospheric/soundscapes. But I like to view it in terms of when to resist and when not too resist in light of a theme. That is, what is this sound illustrating? Which in turn implies expectations. Expectations that if not met loses the listener.

Even smell. What’s also interesting about being transported back is how you feel about that music/song now. Does it have the same interpretation or meaning as it did twenty years ago? Time does charge your perspective.

Darenager wrote :

You going for physical release or digital? If digital then I’d say stick the full version on or do it as a bonus track maybe? Worth thinking about…

Not sure about that : I’d love to do a physical release, but tbh I’ve been out the loop too long to call on any one from back in the day…& I’m not in a position to do it all myself, so unless I find someone friendly & willing then I guess it’ll be a digital release as there are virtually no costs in doing so.

I’ll certainly put the full length version out digitally - I have a few actually like this, so might give them away :wink: Going to mull a lot of this stuff over for a couple of weeks shortly as I’m finally taking a much needed holiday.

Cheers for the support Daren - how’s your stuff coming along btw ? You’ve been busy haven’t you…