Landscape Stereo Field?

I like the sound of that. Good idea!

I have one and I love it. It is true that the sounds it spits out are limited in scope but it is great fun making the sounds with hand/finger gestures, its a really physical instrument and if you send it through a decent bank of stereo effects it sounds huge, its quite capable as a decent distortion unit too.

My favourite thing to do with it is to use it as a mixer, you can attach 4 different sound and/or CV sources and you get this weird way of mixing signals, I like using it with my Koma field kit radio as one of the sources.

It is expensive but it is probably the single most beautiful bit of gear I own.


…sorry but a soma enner is waaaaaaay more intresting and sonically huuuuge in comparison…while both are based on the same basic idea and concept…
enner covers all what’s teasing u on the stero field and can go beyond all that with a dirty grin…
for 100 bux plus u can get a real truu analog beauty from russia…soonish…
stereo field stux in the middle here…to me at least…

As superficial as this opinion might be, I hate the look of Enner. And I want less options in a way, because I like the challenge of creating stuff from a limited set of sounds. Otherwise I could just go down the fully fledged Hydrasynth route or whatever. My other thought was to go back to 0-Coast but it’s very hard to generate pure noise from that in my experience. But as long as the Landscape Stereo Field can produce random bleeps, bloops and washes across the frequency spectrum, I’ll be set for the next EP/album idea.


I had the SF for several months, then sold it to help fund a Lyra, and now I want one again (still keeping the Lyra…)

I wouldnt call it a one-trick pony, in fact I was just starting to explore the CV possibilities (in and out) right before I sold it…

On the surface it is an incredible noise blast generator, the high frequencies being particularly powerful. But using it with modular or other gear is where it comes into it’s own.


…not that superficial…i hated the enner look, too…first and right away when i saw the prottype layout and thought…uargh… :wink:

and i could not say what changed my mind here…but out of the blue it started to match with me…this biohacking uberorganic eso rock look…and since i saw some playing techniques and heard the sonic variety of it…i really dig it big time…
and exactly the fact, that it does not try to cover also any cv controling ground and does so much more than just noise left right chaos flutter makes it my gear of choice in all this new but also pretty old idea of U MAKE THE CONTACT/BECOME THE PATCH CABLE hype thing…


I think it’s a device that deserves far more credit than it’s been given here in this thread.

Perhaps some of you just want a bunch of melodic sounds, and programmability. Or perhaps you just don’t like static and noise. And that’s fine if you’re that way.

But if you do like static and noise like myself, it is an instrument that has as much subtlety and playability as an acoustic instrument. All of the variety and richness of it resides within your hand movements and the available moisture.

There was a time when I focused on a SF, some effects pedals, and a Digitakt, and it was one of the most productive sampling periods of my life.

I sold it because I wanted a 0-CTRL, and because it had become peripheral to my exploration of other sound realms. But even now there are times when I wish I still had it.


I am going to try the LS All-Flesh kit when I am back in Berlin. Love that I can use that in different places.

i have had a stereo field for years and am so glad i had the money to buy one when i did. i’ll never part with it. it’s a strange and somewhat hard to “control” machine but it creates sounds that are all over the noisey spectrum. amazing for drums and drones alike. it’s a sampler’s paradise. like a no input feedback mixer at your fingertips.


This is exactly what I wanted to hear. She will be mine one day, oh yes, she will be mine. Cheers!


So how is the Ether providing for your want?

It is providing, and in spades. Unless, you mean how is it not providing? Well, once I’ve got a body of work out of Ether, I want to try a different source of untuned noisy nonsense sounds. So, this one fits the bill :slight_smile:

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