Kyra from Waldorf

so there are 6 mod matrix routings, and only 3 destinations each? also the lfo only goes to 20Hz???

Hi guys, I just got my kyra today and I’m having trouble figuring out how to use the aux envelope. Right now I’m trying to use the envelope on the coarse tune of osc 1 and 2. In the mod matrix I have the source set to env g3 and both the destinations set to the coarse tune of the oscillators. I can’t figure out how to change the amount of the env now so it starts affects what I want it too. can anyone help? :pleading_face:

Novation Peak & Summit both use FPGA

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I hope Waldorf brings out a black version.
But i will still keep my VirusTi2. At least until Ed Kemper changes his mind :wink:

No, it doesn’t.

Please share your thoughts on the Kyra. How is the FM on it?

I’ve always wanted a virus TI2 polar. Will this cover those sounds ?

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Someone who owns this synth, please talk about it.

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here’s one :rofl::rofl::rofl:

No talk just play


Are you digging it? Do you like it as much as the Quantum? How is the Osc FM?

I like the KYRA very much. I’m just doing some factory sounds for it for the new OS update coming soon. Quantum is a different beast I’m running everything through the MPC X
I’ll tell you more about the OSC FM in a few days.


Rob if I listed for a virus TI2 in the past is this the synth for me?

Also, interested in your opinion on the FX. Everyone complains about the reverb; is it really that bad?

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I absolutely love the Virus TI2 mate… Only thing about the Virus is that the software won’t stream all parts via USB whereas the KYRA will stream every part without a problem. The Virus sounds bigger in the Hypersaw department BUT then KYRA sounds big on bass n other stuff.

5 insert FX per part on KYRA, don’t remember how many on the Virus. I think Virus was 100 poly, correct me if I’m wrong, KYRA has 128 poly.


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I wish every developer of hardware would employ the Valhalla reverbs in their products OR Strymon stuff lol… It really depends on how you use your reverb on any synth. I find KYRA’s reverb fine for what I want to do but each to their own. It does sound good on drones and stuff tho…

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I am also considering the Kyra. Right now the GAS fades away from the Roland Jupiter-Xm.
Just looking for a synth with big poly and my set-up is mainly Elektrons and Waldorfs :smiley:

Somehow I like the Waldorf sound more than Elektron.

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Setting up Kyra with Quantum and MC707 for a mess about jam… I’m using the MPCX as the sequencer, I have set up Kyra on all 8 parts via midi, works great up to now…


Does it work well with the mpc? That looks like a pretty neat mobile set up. I’m not sure of any usb audio multi timbral synths like this, totally going to check this out : )

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Photos are not that interesting. Vids please!