Korg Volca FM

Anybody down load this before the expiry date?
I did not but would really like to try this?

Ranzee reposted the file here: http://ranzee.com/korg-volca-fm-firmware-1-08-unofficial-update/

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Man, I totally missed this.

Also, the firmware adds a “Yamaha compatibility” mode. There has been reported weirdness patches imported from the likes of Dexed - this new mode supposedly fixes that.

Adding “install on Volca FM and make a track w/ it” to the list of 2020 projects…

New update arrived:



Pretty cool!

I received my Volca FM yesterday. I waited way too long to get this thing. Great value. Very easy to use and sounds amazing. I hope to get into the deeper editing side of it soon.

And I ran it through my Pro 3 filters :exploding_head:

That’s a sound I won’t get tired of. Volca Drum next for sure. These things have come a long way since the Volca Bass and Beats!

Revisit the Bass, I have two and they are extremely sick! The triple-oscillator independent sequencer is super rad and two together is the biz!

Oh don’t get me wrong - I love the Bass. The filter on that thing is incredible. I just don’t own one anymore. And that weird square wave that nothing else sounds like. Heck I might pick one up again.

You should, I bought the second one from a dude locally that told me it was too limited… $60!

Volca KICK and FM are a blast.
I have delved into sound design with the FM and it is a rabbit hole…
The KICK, on the other hand, may seem irrelevant but I have been using it for bass sounds, plucked synths etc…
Also have BASS and KEYS.
BASS is indeed massive with the ability to have 3 separate oscillators but impossible to control more than one from Keystep.
KEYS very good as well but takes more time to find the sweet spot.

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The Keys is pretty great. I sold mine but it’s got a pretty unique sound!

Does anyone have favorite Volca FM patches loaded into their Volca FM? And is it possible to load Digitone patches into the Volca (dumb question)?



The Oscillator Sink patches are great - 3 sets here:



Just saw a Volca FM with 1.09 firmware, claiming to play DX7 patches.
I looked online and it looks like a stable firmware but I can’t find any reviews or impressions.
Anyone got this?
Can you put patches on, and play DX7 sounds dawlessly?

To my memory Volca FM could accept DX7 sysex from the very beginning. I have some “organ” style patches stuck in mine Volca which I am lazy to overwrite. Anything changed?


This is the latest Pajen unofficial firmware, which fixes a bunch of limitations in the original:

What it fixed in regard to loading SysEx was handling of disabled operators.

The best feature in the Pajen firmware was direct support for velocity on incoming notes.

I think the Volca FM has always been able to load DX7 patches. I first used Dexed to send them to my FM in mid-2018.

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Wow seems like a pretty cool, small solution.
Thanks all

It’s very cool. I would love an FM mk2 with more patch memory (at least two banks of 32 presets each) and a USB port (like the Volca Sample mk2 got) for moving patches and patterns between a computer and the FM.

An increase in polyphony would be great, but I doubt they’d do that.

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