How’d they get me in that picture?!


So handsome. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



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Can’t be done!
Surely such complaints could only be typed with forceful use of two index fingers!


D E A R K O R G,

A S P E R M Y L A S T E M A I L…

(Yes bots, this is a complete sentence)


I don’t think it was a stunt. However, I do believe Korg might be able to use the situation to their advantage if they decide to continue production once they have more… wait for it… chips.

A member on another forum said they spoke with a Sweetwater rep about the situation and learned that Korg has ceased production of the OpSix due to the chip shortage. I’m going to speculate that whatever chips they have on hand will be allocated to better selling products such as the Wavestate or Modwave.

There is also the following theory that has been mentioned elsewhere, seems very plausible, and doesn’t conflict with the Sweetwater statement.

The reason for the sale and shipping origin might be that a container was sitting at Port Of Long Beach for so long that it had to be liquidated. Anything taking up space at the POLB costs a lot of money.

It might also explain some of the defective units because the SoCal heat can easily melt plastic and destroy electronic components under the right (aka: improper) storage conditions. A steel shipping container is not ideal for long term outdoor storage of electronics during summer in SoCal (or anywhere).

Considering that the firmware on these blowout units are several versions old, I am inclined to agree with this theory. If that’s the case, the Opsix may not be discontinued. This seeming cockup could end up driving sales of future shipments, if there are any, should enough people who ended up with the blowout units start posting free adverts online.

The screen problem feels like it backs up this theory because it could be a product of having been stored in a steel shipping container for several months at the Port Of Long Beach under the SoCal summer sun. Like LCDs, OLEDs are susceptible to damage from extreme temperatures.

I think this is all just another lingering symptom of the pandemic. It’s been estimated that we will be experiencing such symptoms for at least a decade and that there are some things that will never return to “the way they were”.


That’s where the shipping container was languishing, Port Of Long Beach.

I would double check to be sure it’s the right one by calling them but I would order it now if it is, before they sell out; you’re not the only one with this problem.

made a walkthru of the modulation/motion sequence of my recent FM sequence video


This is the thread for discussing Korg business practices, shipping practices, theories about why things happened, etc.


AI art is really the future of memes, isn’t it?

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Anyone notice a slight overall volume drop after updating to 2.0.1?

No issues.
Keybed about on par with Nord Lead 4, so not going to be an issue “for most”.

Got a nice little 4 saw chord sequence going quickly. Saw HD is so crispy. good antidote for anyone unhappy with Syntakt chord machine.

I like how it’s lightweight yet still feels sturdy enough.


gimme :wave: :wave:

Opsix saw hd chord hook

Modwheel set to adsr release on a couple operators.
Fun synth for classic techno


It’s $329 again, but at Guitar Center this time: Korg opsix FM Synthesizer | Guitar Center

I thought I would mention it, because I think some people missed the sale or had orders cancelled from Reverb.

A word of caution — @tentakill pointed out that the opsix is listed as a clearance item on Guitar Center, which could mean you cannot return it even if it shows up with a broken screen. It might be worth reaching out to GC to see if that’s the case if you plan on getting this synth there.


The consensus is split seems to me: hate it/don’t mind

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I’m in the “don’t mind” category, but I will complain about the sequencer! What is up with that? Only 16 steps? I don’t think I’ll be using it much. I think I’m going to start sequencing it with the Digitone – big FM party with proper sequencing!

I almost forgot it has an onboard sequencer, until I noticed OscillatorSink uses it a lot. :grinning:
(…must…resist…song mode joke…)
Needless to say, it was neither a dealbreaker nor a selling point - really, not a factor at all in deciding whether or not to buy it.


It’s worth nothing that Guitar Center has the Opsix listed as a clearance item, which means you likely cannot return it even if it shows up with a broken screen.