Korg Electribe 2, has anyone installed the Hacktribe OS?

You could have exported them all to card, then reloaded them - the sounds would be different but at least you would have had the patterns. That said I did not do this either, I just exported any patterns I liked as audio to the card.


That’s good to know!

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yeah , i just exported the best patches to ableton projects 1st
Was quite critical and only exported 8 patterns from years of work
Got it filled up with new samples now…totally new machine… love it!

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yes mate…that was it. just make sure to format card 1st…all good so far

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Anyone know if there’s a version of this OS available for the red Electribe Sampler that can just be downloaded and installed? Have had a look but not seen anything yet.

Was planning to sell my Electribe but I’m intrigued by what this OS could open up.


there’s a video a few posts up that could help

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actually all my patterns are still in the machine. just need to re-assign sounds
so if you have some good riffs in there they will still be there

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Hello would it be possible to send the patched file for red ES2??? Im totally unable to patch it myself :sweat_smile: Thank you :slight_smile:

Anyone able to send me the file for use with with the red version of the E2S sampler please?


Anyone know how to backup the old system file for the Electribe ?

new to the Electribes, and curious about the Hacktribe:

does the hacked firmware give you X amount of synth parts (of the 16 parts) and Y amount of samplers?

Or does it mean for each of the 16 parts, you can select whether it is a synth or a sample? ie in theory you could make one pattern all synths and another pattern all samples?


You can assign however you want, so the latter.

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thank you! sounds ideal, my E2 is on the way…will have a play around with the official firmware and then I plan to hack it pretty quickly

Hi, could you please send me a copy of the Hacktribe firmware.
Very kind of you to offer to do this, much appreciated.
Many thanks

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hello, I have a black korg sampler and I wanted to install hacktribe, if I understood correctly the factory sounds would be lost and once accessed I would only have the additional synth parts and therefore the possibility of manually adding all the samples I want from the korg, having at available much more sampling time? after which I can extract the samples as a kit and it will load them automatically every time? thanks in advance for the answer and for the file :pray: riccardolisi1994@gmail.com

I have the firmware for the synth grey/blue.
I think for the sampler black/red you need another firmware.
But both firmware provide the same functionality.

I think all default sample are lost when using hacktribe for the sampler version.
And default sample for the synth version are lost as well.
But all the sample you will put into it will be keep upon reboot. Basically it’s just an Electribe with few functionality unlocked. Specifically the synth version has sampling.
The sampler version has access to all filter and more waveform/wavetable.

Are there any good reasons not to hack the black electribe deck?


Someone can say me if it’s still possible to do it for the blue E2 ?

Thanks a lot

Hi, I’ve been looking for weeks how to get the patch it myself, but my computer skills aren’t that great and I’m tso in love with my E2 gray synth to kill it.
@yoyz2k could you send me the firmware hack by email?
There are several online, but I’m afraid that they are corrupt and I could block it.


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I send you the binary thru email !
And don’t forget to make a backup of your sd card before doing the jump :slight_smile:
( backup Electribe projet, and copying all the sd to your computer )

Then flash :slight_smile: